🍄Chapter 5 - Cottage🍄

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The next morning, Lily woke up. She had opened her eyes and saw...a wall?

She stood up, and felt her body on... a soft mattress. Wait, not a mattress-it was a huge, fluffy leaf!

What the hell!?

Lily looks around, and she's in a bedroom. Walls made of bamboo, roof made of two big leaves, and a few windows..she was in the forest.

She got up and walked out of the room. She was in some kind of house. She heard two people talking..

It was near the kitchen, so she walked over to the kitchen and eavesdropped, making sure not to be seen.

"No, no, you dumbass. You'll freak her out!" Said one voice.

"Says you! Look at yourself!" Said another.

"That's not what I meant. If you just start screaming at her about how excited you are to have her here, she'll think we just kidnapped her!"

"But we did kidnap her."

"Well-" The angry voice stops. "It was for a good reason! And we didn't necessarily kidnap her, we just took her in. Besides, we were going to let her go anyways."

"But she's soooooo pretty! Maybe if you get to know her, she might not want to leave, and you two might-" The voice is cut off by the angry voice.

"Screw you. It's never going to happen, Sooks."

"But it could happen! And she's wearing a maid outfit! Maybe she's naughty and submissive~"

"You're disgusting. I'm not pervy like you."


"No. Now go get her some nice clothes and put it next to the bedside table so she has something to wear."

"Why me?"

"BECAUSE I DON'T WEAR FEMININE CLOTHES!" The angry voice groans, getting more impatient.

"Oh, right. Heh, I forgot for a moment you're not a woman." The other voice giggled.

Lily didn't hear footsteps walking away, but she hid herself again. She peaked just a little and saw...a sprite and a person. The person's back was facing Lily, so she couldn't see their face.

The sprite suddenly zoomed by Lily, but she hid just in time.

Lily took a sigh of relief and looks down. She saw shoes.

"You're up early." The angry voice from earlier said, but the tone now more kind and gentle.

Lily looked up and jumped. "OH MY GOD!" She shouted. She looked at the person.

He had messy dark brown hair, and was wearing a mask, so I couldn't see his face, but I could see his eyes were green. His skin was pale and he was wearing a black sweatshirt and dark grey pants, and a necklace with some kind of gem on it.

"Sooks!" He turned around and started walking towards the stairs.

"YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS BABY CAKES?" The other voice called from upstairs.

"Our guest is awake already." He said.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" The other voice squealed.

The sound of wood creaking was heard, and thumping from shoes upstairs too. The sprite came running down the stairs, getting..bigger. All the way up to human size.

The sprite had long, beautiful, light pink hair, big purple eyes, a red rose in her hair, had a phenomenal hourglass figure, and was wearing an astonishing sky blue dress and had sparkling light blue wings.

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