🔐Chapter 10 - Safe and Sound🔐

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{Voices in Harvey's head [Harvey's depression] = Looks like this}


In the morning when Suki woke up, Harvey was no where to be found. A wave of worry and fear washed over her. Alone again, ain't she?

"H-Harvey?" She called his name quietly.

No response.

Simply silence.

Suki got more worried and got up and walked around the house, but still found no one.

She walked back to the bedroom and hid in the blankets like there was some kind of huge animal hunting her down. Like her like depended on it. She was getting scared. Was Harvey gone for good? Was she going to be alone again? She dug her nails into her skin. "Aaah~ Ahahaha.." she laughs to herself as she starts to cry.

"What the hell are you doing?" A familiar voice asked. Harvey.


Suki poked her head out of the blankets. "Umm.. n-nothing..."

"I swear if you're doing what I think you're doing in my bed-"

"No no no! It's not that! I just got a little worried about where you were a-and... I um... My nails just got a little deep in my arm."

"Right. Okay," Harvey says, half believing her and half not believing her.

"Where were you anyways?" Suki asks.

"Getting you clothes. You were asleep when I got up and I didn't want to wake you, so I just left."

"You bought me some clothes? Thank you!"

"Yeah, I'm not letting you wear my clothes for the rest of the time you're living with me."

"Oh. Hehe, that makes sense," Suki giggles. "Did you get me another bra?"

HAHAHAHA! This girl! Kinda funny how you get yourself into messes like these.

"Just... Look in the damn bag!" He groans, giving her the bag and leaving the room.

Suki looks through the bag and puts on the clothes he got her. It's simple, but cute. She walks out of the room. "You didn't get me a new one."

"No, I washed it, dumbass."

"Oh. Thank you!" Suki smiles as she skips towards the laundry room. She goes back to the bedroom and finishes changing. "Did you sleep well?" She asks, walking back to the living room.

"Good enough, sure," Harvey says.

"Great! Can we go out now?" She smiles.

Harvey nods and the two walk outside.

They spend the whole day outside, Suki looking and staring at everything! It's clear she's never been outside before. They go to the markets, the park, a lake, and walk around the neighborhood. By six, maybe almost even seven, the sun started to set.

"Woah.. why is the sky changing color?" Suki asks, amazed as she sits down at a bench.

"Oh, yeah. I-It's the sunset. It- uh.. i-it does that," Harvey stutters out.

"Why are you stuttering?" Suki gasps. "Do you like me?"

"That's ridiculous," He says. "I'm just not used to talking to people. Just a little..hmm.."


"Sure. That. Just a little scared I'll say something stupid," He says.

"Awww, how unexpectedly adorable are you! Hehe," Suki giggles.

"Adorable?" Haha! Your fragile masculinity REALLY didn't wanna hear that.

"Uh, thanks," Harvey says. "Um, so, do you want to be-"

"Lovers?" Suki smiles.

"Friends. Yes or no."

"Yes, of course! I'm open to pretty much anything," she says.

They start heading home, make dinner, hang out, and then start getting ready for bed.

"Hey, Harvey?" Suki asks.

"Yeah?" Harvey responds.

"Umm, you still probably have some energy left before going sleep. So, I was wondering, are you planning on having fun with me tonight?"

"What the hell," Harvey thinks. Harvey, though planning on saying no anyways, asks curiously, "Is okay really okay with you?"

Suki frowns. "I don't really know anymore. Could you.. not? If that's okay?"

"Hey, I'm not a psychopath, of course it's okay. I was gonna say no anyway."

"Then why'd you ask."

"It was just weird about how you freaked out about it earlier then asked me if I wanted to. So I was curious," Harvey yawns. "Alright, I'm going to sleep now."

"Can we cuddle again?"

"Must I?" Harvey groaned.


"Don't do anything weird."


The two repeat the process as they did last night and quickly fell asleep.



These two give a vibe like they will get together in the future, right? Well to bad! Because they're not! HAHHAHAHAHA! But if you wanna ship them, then go ahead. I don't care, and they don't care either. You... You know, because they're fictional characters? Yeah this is stupid. Next chapter!

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