🏡Chapter 11 - Back Home🏡

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"O-oh, I'm so sorry that happened to you, Suki," Lily frowns.

"It's fine. And it's not your fault anyways," Suki smiles.

"Do you two still sleep together?" Lily asks.

"I hate my life," Harvey says. "Of course not."


"Hehe, humans are so silly. We ended up moving because he said there was no way he was going to sleep with me for the entire time I lived with him," Suki giggles.

"Because I'm not!" Harvey says, getting more annoyed by the second.

"And by the way, I still remember how you still haven't gotten me a new bra," Suki crosses her arms.

"BECAUSE I'M NOT GONNA ASK YOUR FUCKING TIT SIZE!" Harvey groaned, having a mental fight with himself on whether he should strangle her or just break a bone, all the while desperately trying to keep a cool head.

"Well why not?" Suki asks.

"I'm gonna kill myself," Harvey sighed.

"Please don't," Lily laughed both genuinely and a bit fake at the same time.

"Why the hell would I ask that!?" Harvey looks like he's literally going to try to take himself out.

"I don't know, why would you?" Suki asks nonchalantly.

"Fuck you."

"You wish you could~"

"I'd rather be gay."

"Okay, I think it's time he head home!" Lily smiles awkwardly. "You two have a special kind of special relationship."

"Hehe, yeah. But, still, I can never thank him enough. If it weren't for him, I would've ended up like the rest of my species. Staying at home, tending to their masters. Not necessarily a bad life, but I'm very glad it hasn't been all mine."

"Awww, how cute," Lily chuckled.

The three started heading home talking and laughing.


Only 294 words, fuck you all (respectfully ofc 🥰), I'm lazy with this chapter.

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