Imagine #02: Rap Monster of BTS

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It's been already 3 years since NamJoon and I are dating yet he doesn't fail surprising me and making me the luckiest girl on earth to have such a person beside me every time we're together. Today was our third annuel dating anniversary and I was asked to meet up with him at the attraction park nearby. I got dressed really nicelly after putting a lot of effort in choosing my dress . Then i went straight to the park the smile never leaving my face from excitement. Once in front of the gate, i received a text message telling me to head strait to our usual place and by that it meant that i should go and sit on the bench situated in front of the big red roller-coaster juste under the biggest old tree around there. After probably 10 minutes of waiting; i heard my name being called in the loudspeakers. I was confused at first wether it was calling me or trying to catch another person's attention, but once the voice coming from the headboard was directed to the beautiful woman wearing peach-orange/red dress just like mine sitting on the bench under the tree in front of the red roller-coaster, i was pretty sure that i was the one they're looking for. It was informing me to go to the fountain located in the center of the park, so i grabbed my handbag and headed down there. Just when i arrived at the beautiful rose garden that was seperating me from the fountain, a big piccachu (i don't know if you know it but it's the little yellow creature with the cute red cheeks in pokémon.) was handing me a white cute basket full of red and pink roses. I was startled and didn't know if i should take it or not; but piccachu was so persistent on giving to me that i ended up taking it happily after bowing a few times at him and the people surrounding US watching intentevly with big eyes. And just when i was intenting to take a step forward and walk further in my way, a young guy wearing a servent's outfit, a quite combined one to be exact, came to me and asked me to escort him to god know's where inside the fountain. I obeyed hesitantly but was shocked when he led me to the center of the luxurious part of the fountain that i never knew it was even existing.
I was finally asked to wait there and watch a sort of a short movie playing in a screen just in front of me. As the film was processing, it showed many shots of me and NamJoon lauphing or holding hands walking together or simply being deep in love with each other ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
I had a big smile across my face and felt my eyes glistning from joy and happiness. And slowly, the video wich was showing now some of our best shots started fading, and a VERY handsome Kim NamJoon in a white tuxedo came out from behind the screen. He started to make his way towards me, and just when he reached me, he got down on one knee and held out a little blue pinkish box {my favorite colour}. I was so shoked to even utter a single word; and just by the time he oppened the box, i gasped bewildred. The box revealed a red oppened rose where in the center of it rested a beautiful elegant ring with a pink square shaped diamond encircled by tiny white pearls.
-RM: love, i can't believe that i finally found my soulmate and perfect match. From day one, i knew that you were only mine and that we were made for each other. I can't bear one day being away from you, and i can't stand living appart from you, and i don't even imagine my life without you around me. I wanna be able to wake up beside you, go to work after kissing you, eating every meal with you, embrace you in my arms every time i wanna go to sleep in hopes to dream about your smiling face. I want to protect you baby from any harm, wether it was little or big, even if it meant sacrificing my own life for you, 'cause i can't bear the thought of you being hurt. I'll love you 'til the last breath i'll take out, i'll admire you every single day, and i'll definitly cherrish you in every second of my life. *your full name*, are you willing to make me the happiest and luckiest person on earth and spend the rest or your days with me??
I couldn't say no, neither yes though. I was soooooo happy and overwhelming tears were streaming down my cheeks for the whole speech. I nodded eagerly anticipating him to put the ring on my finger. And without hesitation, he pût in it's right place, stood up on his feet, and pulled me by my waist closer to him, he then put a hand behind my neck with the other one still plaiced on my waist, and we shared a sweet passionate and surprisingly longing kiss. After we broke from the kiss, we stared at each other for quite a long while, until we heared clapping from the crowd that witnessed the whole scene. And just by the time that we started both smiling then laughing, the rest of members of BTS came out congratulating us and hugging us as well. 'I really love you Kim NamJoon' i thought to myself.
I hope you liked it, eventhought it's a little sheezy. Well what can i say, i'm still a rookie writer after all.
Okaay bye guys, 'til the next imagine. Sarranghaeyoooo yeoroebun {oppas/unnies/deongseangs/} (ヘ。ヘ)('ω`♡%)
Sarranghaaae ヽ(愛'∀`愛)
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