Imagine #04: Leo of VIXX

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So this chapter is dedicated to my best friend @AmalJamil. I lobe u hon. Enjoy guys. Annyeong chingus ('∀').
Amal's P.O.V
I was sitting happily on the sand right in front of the best sight of sunset. It was our summer holiday and we were off school since a week from now.
"-Hey Amal; how about we go camping on the beach? I really wanted to do it since I met you...

-And why is that?? I mean... What are you pertaining to by 'since I met you'

- Oh please don't give me that look. And are you thinking any perverted things now?? Huh...

- W-what?!? I-I didn't say that... And in my opinion, you're the one thinking perveted thouths right now aren't you?? Look at that shipish smile on your face

-Yeah right... So I'm the bad guy now huh..

-And why are you avoiding my question?

-It's just that you are my best and only friend that I can bond with and you're always wailing over your unlimited love for the beach. So why not spend a whole camping trip there and with your beloved oppa?

- If you say so... *smile* Then I'm in. But... I'm not sleeping in a tent. Please, let's rent a cabano. Jebal oppa!

-Okay, okay... Gosh, you're too cute to say no to.

×back to the beach×
Actually, after Leo asked me to join him on this trip, I was beyond thrilled. Having a crush, no I mean a huge crunch on him, I just felt like floating on the cloud as he asked me. Of course I couldn't accept right away, I had to make it a little fun. Without hiding such details, I did actually thought some perverted ideas knowing that this trip includs just the two of us since like he said, he doesn't have any friends and I am his best friend. Ughh, this word seriously causes aching to my heart. You know what I mean, it's never a good thing being friend zoned by the person you like. But if you see it by my prespectur, being Leo's best friend has it's benefits as well, for example:
• I'm a precious person for him
• I know his darkest secrets
• I spend most of the time with him
• I know for sure that he is a great person, he has a warm heart despite the cold person he shows
• His family loves me since I am the only girl he ever brought with him home
• He has an angelic voice that's why he is a member of one of our school bands named VIXX
• He always comforts me when I'm sad and sings for me when I can't sleep
• I witnessed all of his appearances ( even in his PJs which weirdly consists of boxers *smile byuntaely* I don't want to ever forget that )
• He feels comfortable around me
• He seeks comfort and help from me whenever it's personal issues and he can cry in front of me without being embarrassed
• And the most pleasurable one is that skinship actually is not awkward between us 'cause we're so close...

I was deep in thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder and someone sitting comfortably close beside me. I smiled to myself knowing who the person with enough guts to do such a courageous act. (Cue the sarcasm)
"- Amal-ah, you look like an angel sitting here in front of the sunset and pearly shining water... I think I am falling for...

- For what Mr. Romantic?

- For your...

- Hmm?!

- Your BACK... hahahaha

- Yaah!! ... Aish, and I thought you could be a nice person at this time of the day. Before you turn to a night prankster you stupid troller...
- Hhhhh... Okay okay, I'm sorry. I appologize my dear friend.

- It's okay, I forgive you cute hamster

- Jagiyaaa...

- Don't call me that. I already warned you last time, if it's not for real then don't trouble yourself.

- Why?!? Do you... By any chance, like me?

- And what do you think?

- I think you do. And that's why I mustered my courage to tell you what I sincerely feel towards you right now, right here.

- Alright! And what's your answer then ?

- I... I-I like you too. Yes, I do like you. And enormously. You don't know how it feels to have you by my side most of the time. I always have this urge to protect you and keep you happy all the time. I want to be more than just a friend for you. And I wish to be the only man you'll ever love in your entire life. So Amal jagiya, could you be my girlfriend?

- *giggle*... And what if I say no?

- You can't... After this long tiring speech, you have to be mine. I am not taking no for an answer.

- Well then Leo oppa. My answer is... NO

- Okay... You asked for it!!"

And before I could protest, he held me in his arms bridal style and run towards the cold water of noon... OMG.... I didn't expect that coming
"- Kyaaaaaahhhh... Aniyooooooo oppaaaa... Jebal jebel jebal...
- I asked you to be mine didn't I ? I'll give you another chance. Do you want to be my girlfriend amal-ah??

- Yes oppa, I will... Just don't throw me in the water please!!!

- Not yet, I need to know something... Do you like me as well?

- No...

- What?!?

- Oppa....I love you silly head..."

Leo put me down smiling genuinely, put an arm securely around my waist, his hand pulling my head towards his til our lips united as one.... I was feeling fireworks playing in my heart and butterflies touring in my stomach, aside from the electricity running down my heels...
"- Jagiyaaahh. Nado. Sarranghae~...

- Jinja??

- Nae jinjaro~... But there's one other thing that you don't know!

- What is it?

- From now on til the end of this trip, you'll be sleeping with me.

- Huh!?! Why should I ? I have my room!!

- Because my band members wanted to join us in the beach, and we kinda have just two rooms... So you'll give them your room and you'll be sleeping with me.

- But...

- No buts! You know I don't share my room or give it to anybody, I don't trust anyone touching my stuff but you, and I only love you that's why I want you to sleep with me.

-*smile* Okay then! ^^
- Chongmalyeo!?! Aren't you afraid that I'll be doing something to you, like... we'll be by ourselfs; in a bedroom; at night; sleeping by each others sides...
- No I'm not. *laugh* I trust you more than myself... In fact you should be the one frightened cause I'm not sure if I could hold my bold dangerous self in such condition... *smirk*
Hope you enjoyed it guys...

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