Imagine #06: Suho of EXO (EXO-K)

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Sorry guys, but can I try this thing... I wanna add a name for my leading female and see how it goes!
You can still imagine your name though, after all, it's up to you....
So I was thinking of a name then suddenly HyeJeoh popped in my mind and I decided that it will be the leading female's name.
Okay now: ENJOY
HyeJeoh's P.O.V
Everything went black as the loud laughs subdieded slowly and pitch black was all I can see....
I carefully opened my eyes to reclose them again as the bright light hit my eyes. I opened once again my eyes slower this time for them to adjust to the light, and looked around trying to recognize my location.
The light was wight, the room spacious and clean, the bed sheets thin and a small hydrating robot at the corner beside some machines...
Yeah,  it was a hospital room. And I have no idea why I'm here actually !
I couldn't remember anything from what happened yesterday and just found myself in deep thoughts in no time... Then it hit me like a hard pang on my brain, I had a huge fight yesterday with the bullies after I decided that time has come for me to face them and not be afraid anymore.
"Hey nerd" Sora said as she dropped my glasses on the floor...
"- Did you bring my homework done?
- No! And I won't be doing that ever again.
- What did you just say you rat?" She pulled my hair so hard that I had to slap her harder on her ugly face.
Oh yeah, after that petite dumb act of mine, problems came present when the rest of the bullying gang stood in front of me with their deathly glare saying that you're already in deep shit after that.
Seconds later, I found my self on the ground with cuts covering my face and hands and still being kicked by the merciless monsters...
After my little reverie,  I tried praying my weak wobbly legs out of the bed to taste a new time the coldness and roughness of the floor. But before I could proceed my action by bringing my second leg down, a husky tired voice shouted behind my back while the voice's owner came rushing to me and scooping my legs WITHOUT MY PERMISSION back under the thin blanket.
As he lift his head looking at me, I just realized that this guy was my long lasted prince Suho.
Suho oppa was such a knight protector for me since my father past away three years ago. That's the time when the bullying thing started anyway. And I know you would all say that I said Suho oppa was my strong shield then why hadn't he helped me or stopped that bullshit going on in my life? But let me inform you something! He was always there for me and never let anyone land a lone finger on me, the bullying was just verbal and not harming since everybody feared him. Being the wise people they are, they didn't want to end up getting expeld of school just for trying to stand face to face with the owner of school's son himself. But oppa and I had a huge fight last year that leaded to us not being close and staying with each other most of times. That incident really broke my heart;  and after recalling why we fought in the original place, I couldn't bring myself to remember. And that is a living proof that the problem between us wasn't worth it, but the guilt and fear of being rejected or backed off by the other person kept us planted in our place not being able to face each other quite bravely and talk it out without realizing that we're being both extremely dumb and cowards for thinking that by leaving each others' sides will give the other more space, happiness and relief of a burden lifted on shoulders.
I looked at him him amazed and not entirely believing that he's actually here, standing in front of me,  taking care of me once again just like he used to.
"- what the hell were thinking HyeJeoh ?!?
- I-I... I just..." I couldn't bring myself to say anything under the spell of shock.
"- You're not allowed to leave your bed yet! Don't get all exploring and inpatient like you are and try to leave your place anymore.
- You still remember my habits and how I am *I mumble under my breath not wanting him to hear me but vainly*
- Oh yeah I still remember and I will never forget ! Now tell me, you owe me an explanation and a lot of things ta talk about and catch up on... What the hell happened to my best friend in the whole world?
- Oppa... Yo-you still consider me as your best friend? *I choke with tears starting to fill my eyes*
- Of course! Why? Am I not that important for you now?
- ... *I just nodded a little bit with my head bent down and tears streaming freely on my cheeks*
- Oh don't cry my little baby! I'm here and I'll always be! Please stop crying my princess, you know I don't like it. *he hugged me right away and kept stroking my back and head to south the pain*"
I missed him so much. His voice, his face, his touch, his sweet words, his jokes, his laughs... but most of all, his caring side. I slowly pulled my hands up and hugged him back with my head taking his habit in burying itself much deeper in his chest. He didn't change as well, and just hugged me tighter while bringing his face in the crook of my neck and synchronizing my scent with his breathing like he normally does. Doing this made me cry even more knowing that I missed him so freaking much for he was always my shoulder to cry on when I missed my father. But now that I hold him tight against me, all those tears - tears for my father and him as well -  that I couldn't pour and kept them building up in my insides just kept coming out continuously .
Suho knew all along that I wasn't going to stop now, so he just held me against him tighter than ever and let me empty myself just as long as I need to.
After a long time of whimpering, sniffing, sobs and tears, I finally put myself together and looked up at him thanking him through eyes as words weren't really needed between us.
"- Oppa, how much time did I take before waking up?
- I brought you here yesterday at around 2pm !
- That means that I spent the night here.
- Yeah pretty much
- Then what about you? Did you spend the night here?
- Well...
- So you actually did, no need to tell me. And by that tired husky voice and those black skin marks under those eyes of yours shows that you didn't taste any gain of sleep at all...
- I-I... but...
- Don't try to explain yourself. I know exactly what you must've felt and why you did it. But it's totally unacceptable for you to be this worried til the point of not caring about your health. You know how much you need to keep an eye on your health condition. I can't believe I'm the cause of this. Did you take your medicines first of all?
- Yes oemma *note the sarcasm dear readers*
- Good. Now come here and take a rest; you need to catch up on the lack of sleep I made you suffer!
- No. Not now. Not before you tell me about what happened at school!
- Stop stomping your feet and acting childish. I'll tell you everything after we wake up.  Oppa I'm tired already and you need to have some sleep! Come on now.
- Okay okay. Gosh we can never win an argument against you! *sighs*
- I bet you can't *giggles*
- *chuckles* NOW make a space for your warrior my lady
- Gladly my baby skin"
We cuddled under that layer like we always did before and drifted both to sleep. Oh how much I missed my best friend beside me!
-------- The END-------
So this is it everyone, hope you liked it! I didn't put any love story in here cause I wanted to try it out *hahaha this chapter sounds like an experiments' board* After all, not all relationships between a guy and a girl has love involved right?
This chapter is actually requested by ouri oemma @issou_INSPIRIT.  Hope you like it abeoji hhhhhh
Annyeong yeorobun

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