Imagine #03: Hoya of Infinite

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Your P.O.V
I woke up this morning feeling quite not well, but I ignored it since I had school going and being the last weeks of studying, it was really not a good decision to skip school. I did all my morning routine, ate breakfast, bid goodbye to mom and sis •dad was on a business trip• then went on my way to school. I impluged my earphones and sang happily with Don't go playing (yeah. I love EXO and I bet you do to). Just when I reached the school's gate, I felt a little nausea and was about to faint, but luckily two strong arms held me by my waist and pulled towards the person's shest. Once my head was secured from all the dizziness and my senses came back to me, I slowly lifted my head to see my best friend's face Hoya. I was super relieved knowing that he was the one that caught me.
"-Y/N~, omg what's the matter? You look as pale as a ghost! Are you okay? Why did you come to school in this condition?..
- Hoya, I'm fine , don't worry!!
- How can you tell to not worry while I'm seeing you all this messed up"
His words made me feel really giddy and I wanted to jump from joy 'cause I had a huge crush on him. But of course I couldn't with my health situation, and besides it would be mega awkward and embarrassing since I never confronted him. His words,right now were more than enough for me 'cause it showed me how much he was concerned and worried
"- Now come on I'll court you to class...
- But...
- No buts, we'll be having the same subject afterwords anyway. Now walk before we get late. "
I just went on with the flow, I couldn't protest neither uter a word. My head just wouldn't corporate with me in fall calm...
+lunch break+
I couldn't focus much on what the teachers kept saying this morning. Hoya stayed by my side the whole time, I felt really thank full towards him cause I know taking care of a sick person isn't much pleasant for a person like him... He's the kind of person that prefers to spend his free time dancing or just practicing with his band members. Yeah he makes part of one of our BEST bands in school called Infinite.
My head was aching restlessly at a point and I felt all my surroundings turning around just like waves... Before I could hold on Hoya's shirt for support, I collapsed on the floor and everything went black as I was hearing gasps and someone calling my name countlessly.
+fast forward+
I opened my eyes to some unfamiliar surroundings. I was laying on a large water bed covered with purple sheets, two night stands were placed on both sides of the bed. I could see my school's uniform resting on a been sofa in the far corner of the room. As I tried to get up and sit properly to explore more the place I was in, I felt a sharp headache so I fell again on the bed moaning. Right when I was about to retry sitting slowly, someone barged in the room wwithout knocking.
"- Oh Y/N-ah, you're finally awake.... I was dead worried about you!!
- Hoya oppa, thank god it's you. Where am I? I don't remember anything after I fell...
- Don't worry Y/N~, you're at my house, more specifically in my room... after you fainted at shcool, i couldn't risk taking you to the school infirmary and wait ages for the nurse to come, so I dialed my driver's number and told him to pick us up immediately... So when we were in the car, I called my personnel doctor to come as quick as possible into my house! As soon as we reached it, I brought you to my room for the doctor to examine your condition... btw, you don't have to worry, it's just that you had some pretty stressful days so you skipped meals and sleep and all. Don't ever do that again!!
- H-Hoya oppa, you did... you did all of that for me? *sniff*
- Yeah and who do you think will do it other than me? Now stop crying already and go back to sleep you cry baby, I'll be bringing food in a while.
- Okay big brat hhh...
- What did you just say?
- Ah I said... thank you oppa :)
- Yeah that's what I thought... now off to sleep
- Yes sir!!"
+time skip+
"- Hey Y/ N ireona (wake up) ... I brought you food, you have to take your medicine...
- Ow oppa, what's up?
- Here... open your mouth., I'll feed you
- Ahh but oppa, I can do it myself *blush*
- No objections, I''ll be feeding you and that's final my dear... now say Aaah!
- AAAAHHH... *like a little child*
- See... it wasn't that bad afterall huh?!?
- Hihihi... ahh oppa what time is it already?
- it's 10:20 pm, why??
- Oh craps, my parents will be dead worried about me!!
- Ani don't worry! I called them just a while ago to inform them that you'll be spending the night over here...
- Ahhh okay, thanx oppa!... but wait, did you say I'll be sleeping over?
- Yeah why?
- And what about school tomorrow?
- We have no classes tomorrow... It's Saturday tomorrow pabo!
- Ahh jinja... Hihi mian oppa *blush really hard*
- Okay okay, go back to sleep now... you have to rest!
- Arrasso oppa!"
But before he could get up and walk out the room, I grabbed his sleeve tightly preventing him from going away... I was so shocked at my own actions and I felt my eyes bulge out of their sockets from embarrassment. But then, my brain screamed you already grabbed him, so you better ask him to stay by your side. It's now or never paboya!!
"- Oppa... D-Don't go and l-leave me alone in here... please just stay here and sleep with me... there's plenty of space for both of us, besides, I don't wanna be a burden after all the things you've done for me and takeover your room as well...
- Okaaaaay... *cheering not a single of hesitation seen on his handsome face*"
Hoya settled himself on the other side of the bed and I snuggled close to him. By instinct, he opened his arm to let me be more comfortable resting my head on his musceld chest.
"- Uhm... Y/N, I need to tell you something! *hesitant and shy*
- Hmm..?! *hums in response*
- Today I was super worried and scared since you showed up this morning in front of the school's gates all messed up, and especially when you fainted right in my hands... So please, next time don't be careless and do take good care of your health, I can't bear seeing you hurting neither sick jagi because I like you!
- You l-like... me??
- Well, after thinking of it, I actually don't!
- Ahh waaeeee oppa... *whine and tears start to fill my eyes*
- Y/N-ah~ I don't like you... I love you!! *stares right in her eyes and saying it confidently*
- Hoya oppa... I love you too ^^
- Chongmal?!?
- Nae Chongmal... since I can't remember *blush*♡
- Y/N. Would you do me the honor and accept to be my girlfriend?
- YES OPPA... Sarranghae ♥♥
- Nano sarranghae my princess♥♥♥"
And before I could do anything, he crashes his lips onto mine, capturing me in a very passionate and sweet kiss, with his both hands holding me by the waist and pulling me closer to him. We separated at the exact same time searching desperatly for breath 'cause we were seriously out of it after that long lasting kiss!
"- Oppa thank you..
- No thank you my dear!!
- Good night babe
- Good night jagiya :)"
And we slept in the arms of each other knowing that tomorrow will be a better day for both of us now that we are united as one...
I hope you liked it guys, althought it was rewriten two times already ...
Please do not mind any flows (from any prospective)
Gomawoyooo chinguyaa ♥♥♥

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