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Hello everyone. Happy new month, and welcome to my new book, WHEN I MET HIM IN THE SUMMER.

If I'm being honest, it is not really new. I first wrote it during the pandemic, and posted it here on Wattpad, but somehow, it just vanished from the app. After spamming their email and not getting a single response, I thought I'd lost it forever, but as I was going through my computer, I stumbled upon the manuscript, and four years later, here we are, once again.

Now, when I first wrote this, I was still growing as a writer, and reading it back, I am cringing, and laughing so hard. That is why, I'm not going to be posting the first draft, but the edited version. And for those who read it the first time (published as Illicit), I really am sorry. Nobody deserves to go through what I put you through with that first draft lol.

I have since edited it, However, the storyline is still the same, and everything is going to happen in the exact same way that it did the first time, just with much better writing.

As per now, I am going to be posting a chapter twice a week, every Wednesday and Friday, because, once again...it needs a lot of work.

As I sign off, I just want to say how excited I am to be publishing this book here once again, and to ask for your support...please vote, comment and talk about those chapters with everyone you know. Your support is such a motivation, and means so much to me as a writer.

I hope you have fun reading WIMHITS, and if this does well, maybe I'll post the first draft, just to get your opinions on it too, lol.

Stay happy, stay blessed, and keep reading.

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