Twenty seven

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I need to get out of here as soon as possible. This whole thing is getting monotonous, and I am now claustrophobic, specifically for this room.

Also, and it feels so good to finally be able to say this, I have a life to live outside of here now. It might revolve around one person, but it's still an upgrade. In fact, if it was not for Sora, I would have completely lost it.

We are not officially dating yet, but I could not ask for a better boyfriend.

He has spent each and every one of the past three nights right beside me in this tiny hospital bed, leaving before my family gets here, and showing up after they leave. Even if it is against hospital policy, we have had a candle lit dinner every night, before we snuggle and watch a movie on his phone, or just talk.

My fingers know every curve and line of his chest, and we have established that my body fits perfectly in the crook of his arm.

I have only one complaint, and it's that we have not even made out yet. It's not that I want to have sex in my hospital bed...I'm just starting to think I might be the problem.

There have been times when I was sure it was going to happen, but I guess he wants to take this at snail's pace.

It confuses me why, but I cannot ask him. I have to respect his wishes and wait.

I watch him as he puts his shirt and shoes back on, and clears away the empty takeaway cartons from last night.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'll get it," I say, and he pauses to look at me.

"Nice try, mister. You think I'm going to get on your mum's bad side? You think I'm going to let her find out that I'm straying from your strict diet of bread and soup?" he teases, and I stick my tongue out at him.

Maybe he's trying the three month rule? Could he be asexual?

"Hey," he says, waving his hand in front of my face. "What are you thinking about?"

I smile nervously, and swat the thought to ask him just why he will not as much as kiss me on the lips with tongue.

"It's nothing. I'm already counting the hours until I can see you again, even before you walk out the door," I tell him, and he rubs the back of his neck.

"I might be able to help with that. Just promise me you won't think I'm corny or anything," he says, and I slap three fingers against my chest.

"Scout's honor." 

God, that is so cringe.

He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a picture and a single rose, and hands them both to me. I flip the picture over, and gasp. It's us at the outdoor cinema, right before I tried to kiss him. I stare at it silently, my breath shaking.

"Danny, are you okay? I'm sorry...I know it's stalker-ish, but there's this friend of mine who's obsessed with—"

"Sora, I love it," I say, cutting him off.

"Really?" he asks, and I nod, sniffing the rose. It does not smell like rose, but it smells like his cologne, and that wins any day.

"I'm so glad. Do you want to try again?" he deadpans, and my head whips up so fast I think I hurt my neck.

"What?" I ask, and it must be the dumbest question in the world.

My breaths became shallower and heavier as he walks towards me, his gaze holding mine.

"Our first kiss. Do you want to try again?"

Hell yes, I do. It's sudden and kind of weird, his timing, but if he's sure, I'm sure.

I open my mouth to say yes, but no words come out, so I nod like an excited puppy.

He gets on the bed straddling me, puts his hand on the small of my back and leans towards me. I close my eyes and scream internally. It's finally happening. I cannot believe it's happening.

He gently pushes me back, until I'm almost lying down, and I feel his body gently press against mine. I feel his breath on my face, and I raise my hand to his neck.

We are barely an inch apart when the door bursts open, and we break apart instantly.

"Shit, crap, fuck! I'm sooo sorry. Don't mind me, just keep doing whatever you were doing," Val rambles, walking backwards out of the room.

I roll my eyes, a tiny bit annoyed. I would have been way more excited to see her if she had not just cock blocked me. It really be your own best friend sometimes.

"No, Val. It's fine. Come on in," I say, stumbling out of the bed to greet her. I walk over to where she's standing, looking at Sora like she's afraid he bites.

We hug, and she sways me from side to side for a while. I wince painfully and it clicks in her head that maybe she should not be doing that.

"How are you feeling? Your mom told me. I'm so sorry, Danny...I should have never left you," she says with tears in her eyes, gently rubbing her fingers over my bruises.

"It's not your fault, babe. This is such a nice surprise, but how are you even here? What about music camp?"

"Easy," she says with a chuckle. "I told my mum I had herpes and a yeast infection, and she had me on the first plane back, and then I told her it was a dare from around the campfire."

If Val's mum didn't already hate me—which she does, I'm sure she does, she's so going to hate me now.

"Is that him?" she whispers in my ear, looking at him like he's not standing right there, and I try to be subtle as I nod and shake my head.

"Come on, I'll introduce you." I say, holding her hand. I drag her until they're standing face to face and wait, but she does not say anything. I face palm.

"Sora this is Valerie, my best friend. V, this is Sora. My uhm, uhh—"

I look at him for some help, and he smiles that smile that makes me weak in the knees.

"Boyfriend. Nice to meet you," he says, extending his hand. She takes it and shakes it, again, wordlessly.

You call it underwhelming, I call it short and sweet.

My two favorite people in the world are finally meeting each other. I sit down and wait for them to say something to each other, but they just stare, and I remember that Val is not the best with people. I clear my throat and when Sora looks at me, I point to the door with my head and wince apologetically.

"Well, it looks like you guys have some catching up to do...I'll come back another time." he says as he gives me a hug, and walks out.

"Oh my God, D do I have ALOT to tell you! But before I make this about me. Tell me, what actually happened to you?" Val chirps as soon as he leaves, and my jaw drops. Is she serious right now? Was she not just mute a couple of seconds ago?

I shrug.

"Jake did this. He found out I was gay, and by the looks of it he did not handle that too well."

She frowns, and pulls at her pigtails angrily.

"Ugh, why is Jake such an asshole? I swear, the moment I get my hands on him—"

I smile as she cracks her knuckles and shimmies her shoulders. I actually want to see that, because I know Jake would never hit a girl, but Val would actually go at Jake.

"Easy there, girl. Jake is going to get what's coming to just wait and see," I tell her, even if I know I don't mean it. There is nothing I can do, and it pisses me the fuck off.

"What did Jake do?"

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