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It is not a one time thing. It is not even a two, three or four time thing. The following week—for the entire week—Austin comes to my room religiously every other night, and on those nights, I suck his dick like my life depends on it, because it just might.

Every night, after he blows his load down my throat, he spanks me softly, tells me what a good little cocksucker I am, and leaves.

Some nights, he has slept in my bed till morning, and it surprises me how Jake does not suspect a thing.

My phone rings as I lie in bed the Saturday morning exactly one week after Austin and I started our little affair, Austin snoring softly beside me, wondering just when it was that my life became another Sweet Home Alabama.

I check it, and I don't want to answer, but Austin opens one eye and shakes my leg.

"Answer it or turn it off," he says, turns over and goes back to sleep.

I take a deep breath and hit Accept.

"Danny, are you still in bed?" mum's voice comes sternly down the line, and I roll my eyes. I guess we're getting right into it today.

"No, mum. I just got back from my morning run," I say back sarcastically and she makes a tsk sound with her tongue.

"Young man, don't be smart with me," she snaps. "You know how important it is to get out of the house. You need atleast half an hour in the sun and loads of fresh air everyday to be healthy."

Count on my mum to try and micromanage everything, up to the amount of sunshine and fresh air that you're getting from half way across the world.

"I get out of the house four times a week, mum. Any more, and I'm going to get both sunburned and dehydrated. Besides, it's Saturday," I say into the phone, and toss in my bed.

Why do I get the feeling that the slow mm-mm means she's not giving up until she has her way?

"Danny, I'm not going to beg you. I know you're not doing anything about your fight with Jake. I already talked to your brother. Consider this me taking matters into my own hands and setting you two up for a play date," she says, and I frown.

"A play date...are you serious right now?" I ask, and she sighs as someone screams her name in the background.

"Yes. I am. You're going to go out with your brother, and you're going to have fun, and I'm going to have to see proof," she says, and cuts the call before I can protest.

I groan, and kick my legs under the covers.

"Dude!" Austin groans as I kick him in the thigh, and I glare at him.

"You might as well just get out of bed and get ready. We have to go out and bond or something," I say, annoyed, and throw the covers aside.

My mood is ruined entirely now—the entire idea of hanging around Jake for an entire day is upsetting to me.

We could just not go, but I know mum—she's not going to let this go, so of course Austin has to come. That way, they can do whatever it is they're always doing together, and I can be by myself, and maybe finally work on my tan.

I take a shower and get dressed, get Austin out of bed, and then go downstairs, to get everything ready.

"Mum called you too?" I ask Jake as I walk into the kitchen, and he pauses scrolling on his phone to glare at me.

"What do you think, genius? That I would just be up so early in the morning on a Saturday, hung over as fuck, in the fucking summer for nothing?" he spits, and I flip him off.

I mean come on. I know, I did a bad—okay, according to him, two bad things. But it has been weeks. Can he please move on?

"I don't have all day you know," he snarls as I start on breakfast, and I decide to skip and get the snacks and drinks ready. If we're going to spend the day together, I don't want him to be angry this early in the morning. That will just make him even more unbearable.

Austin comes downstairs just as I drag the cooler out of the front door, and he walks right past me and joins Jake, who is cat calling girls from the neighborhood as they jog past the house.


" you'," I pant as I continue to drag the heavy piece of shit, but Austin and Jake completely ignore me. I clear my throat as I drop the cooler infront of them, shove Jake out of the way and walk to the car.

"Take care of it then," I snap when the finally acknowledge me, and watch as they lift it TOGETHER, those motherfuckers, and dump it in the trunk.

Is Austin fucking serious?

"You're supposed to be on my side now, you know," I whisper through my teeth, grabbing his arm as Jake goes to start the car.

"Are you jealous?" he asks with a smirk, and I get uncomfortably hot under his gaze. For a second, I just peer up into his golden eyes as he smirks down at me. I don't care that Jake could see us...I don't want to look away.

"Are you guys going to kiss or something?" Jake asks, and Austin immediately recoils, and laughs.

"Dude, come on. You know that's not my type," he says, opens the door, and drops in the co passenger seat.

Oh? So I was not his type then? We would see about that the next time he snuck into my room in the dead of night to have his cock sucked.

Annoyed, I get in the backseat, stuff my earbuds into my ears and drown them out scrolling through TikTok on my phone, but I find myself glaring at Austin all the way, because for some reason, I just cannot get over not being "his type".

When we get to the beach, immediately, I just want Jake to turn the car back around and go back home. I might have been wrong. I still do not like being around people. Maybe my social skills only span as far as the repeat customers at the Wagging Mug.

It is so crowded here that I abandon the idea of a tan completely. Now, all I want to do is take the damn pictures and go home. I reach into my back pocket and pull out my phone as Jake and Austin find a spot and lay everything down, and hand it to Austin when they finish.

"You take the pictures so I can get out of here. We just have to find like, five activities I would believably enjoy," I tell him, and look as I pull Jake towards me.

"Boring!!!" Austin hollers as two boys with surfboards under their armpits pass by. Another ten points off for that.

"I have a better idea. Jake, come on... let's go surfing," he says, and Jake nods like a mindless, exited puppy. They run off to a rental shed, and I stand there, mouth open, hands on my hips, the camera app open on my phone.

I know that this is what I wanted, but that was before I knew there would be so many people here.

Ugh, what the fuck was I expecting... it's fucking Los Angeles. Of course the beach is going to be packed during the summer. Minutes later, Austin and Jake reappear, dressed in swimming trunks, surfboards under their arms and tell me, like a child to stay put as they wade into the water.

The sun is too hot to tan now, so I place my tanning reflector down next to me, slather myself with sunscreen, grab a soda from the cooler and decide to get comfortable.

"Are you going to finish those?" a voice says from behind me, and I sigh. Hell no. I'm not going to share my refreshments, let alone be forced into uncomfortable small talk doing something I did not even want to in the first place.

Hell. Freaking. No.

I turn around to tell whoever it is to fuck off, but as soon as my eyes meet his, I choke on my soda.

Well hello, summer romance.

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