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For the most part, i have kept mine and Sora's talking stage quiet. That way, if it does not work out, which is highly unlikely, considering he has added me on Instagram and Snapchat, and I wake up to good morning snaps everyday, and we're already at second base— does not get more exclusive than sexting.

Even if he has not asked me out yet, we are basically boyfriends at this point.

And Val has helped me so much. I soon got over myself when I found out just how much she knows about boys, and I started talking to her again.

Or atleast that's what I told myself, so I would justify my immaturity and start talking to my best friend once again, when really, I just missed her. Now, I'm thinking I like this little life.

But if we don't work out, which again, is very, very, unlikely, I don't want the haters—and by haters, I mean Austin, who is somehow more invested in how things are going between us than he is supposed to be—to gloat too much about how "he told me so".

Austin walks in just as I finish getting ready for work, and I mutter a 'you have to be fucking kidding me' under my breath.

Literally speak of the devil.

"Going somewhere?" he asks scornfully, and I turn around to look at him.

"Clearly," I say back.

"Where?" he says, closes the door behind him, and blocks it with his body.

"Why do you care?" I snap, because he has no right to be interrogating me right now. My life is none of his business.

He chuckles, but it's not a sweet sound. Quite the contrary. It's a menacing, dark chuckle, and it makes my skin prickle nervously.

"Danny, Danny, Danny," he says in a sing song voice, and I arch an eyebrow.

"You don't want to piss me off. I promise you, you don't want to fucking piss me the fuck off," he adds calmly, and my heart starts to race, but I fold my arms across my chest and hold his gaze defiantly.

I've blown him off twice already, and I know he's pissed off about it, but he needs to understand... I've found my next best thing, and he needs to do the same.

He's straight... what's going to happen when he decides he does not want to keep sneaking around with me and finally downloads Tinder on his phone? Where is that going to leave me?

"I'm not scared of you, Austin. What are you going to do? Tell Jake I've been sucking your dick? Go ahead. Let's see how that plays out for the both of us," I say through my teeth, and it definitely sounds so much braver than I feel.

He turns around and locks the door, and then closes the distance between us.

"I'm giving you one last chance, Danny," he grits out, and kicks off his shorts. "Get on your knees like a nice little bitch, and suck my cock."

I step away from him, but he grabs the back of my head, and pulls me towards him. He presses his body to mine, and forcefully kisses me. I try to push away, but he's way too strong. He pulls away and pushes me to my knees and then slaps his cock against my cheek. I purse my lips as he tries to force himself in my mouth, and he throws me to the side angrily.

"Damnit, why are you being so difficult?" he asks, leaning over me.

My phone rings before I can answer him, and he runs to the nightstand and grabs it.

"This must be your little bitch boyfriend. I'm going to tell him to go to hell," he says, out of breath as he holds the phone out of my reach.

Okay, now he was just embarrassing himself and being pathetic.

"Austin, give me my phone." I say, and I grab it as he lowers it to cut the call.

"Now, I'm going to ask you for the last time. While I still have some respect for you, get dressed and get out of my room. If you don't, I swear to God, I'm going to scream for Jake to come here," I say, and I am totally surprised when he listens.

I call Sora back when he leaves.

"Hey you."

"Hey. Sorry, that was my fault. What's up?" I ask, trying to level my breaths again, and wondering why I sound like I just ran a marathon.

"I wanted to ask you something," he says, and he sounds a bit...nervous?

I open my mouth to answer, but right then, Austin starts banging on my door.

"Hello? Danny? Are you there? It seems this is not a good time, if you want—"

"No, no, no. Now is a perfect time, just give me a second." I say quickly, pushing my earbuds into my ears.

I take a breath and open the door, and then I push past Austin and flip off over my shoulder as he yells how it is not over and how I'm going to regret this.

"I'm getting worried, what exactly are you going to regret?" Sora asks, and I bark out a strange laugh.

"It's nothing. Just this creep. You were saying?" I ask as I get out the front door.

"Would you consider letting me take you somewhere later today?" he asks, and I literally freeze, like I've been electrocuted. Did I just hear him right?

"Oh, too soon?" he asks when I'm quiet for too long, and I snap out of it.

"No, no, no, no, no. It's perfect, I would love it." I say back, albeit desperately, but I don't care. I just got asked out on a date. My first fucking date.

"Cool. Text me when you're free, and I'll come pick you up."

"Well, I get off of work at four at some place called the Wagging Mug. I'll text you their address now."

"Can't wait. See you then, Danny," he says excitedly, and I giggle and hang up.

I jump up and down in the middle of the street, and scream, like the squealing, giggling mess Sora has turned me into.

Holy fucking shit. I'm going on a date.

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