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"Austin,'s not what it looks like, please!" I beg, yanking the dildo out of my ass with a loud plop. It hurts like hell as it comes out all at once, but that is the least of my problems right now.

Without bothering to cover up, I stand from the couch and chase him up the tiny staircase and out of the basement, completely naked.

Fuck, this is bad. This is really, really bad. I feel the tears sting at my eyes and I purse my quivering lips. I count to three before I call him again, and beg him to hear me out.

"And exactly what does it look like, Danny?" he asks, covering his mouth as a smile tugs at his lips. So fucking typical of him to find pleasure in my misery.

"Okay, maybe it is what it looks like. But I promise you, I just—I saw somewhere that if you had trouble...uhm...finishing, you could, ugh!" I trail off, because I do not want to lie about who I am. I might not be ready to tell him yet, but I don't want to lie either.

"This is adorable. It's adorable when you try," he says, and I clutch my temples, confused.

"You—you're not pissed?" I stutter.

His furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head."Pissed? Danny, I cannot even say I'm shocked."

My mouth drops open. Is he telling me that all along, he knew that I might be gay? Is that maybe why he has bullied me my entire life?

I should be glad, but instead, I am filled with panic and dread. Who the fuck else knows, and is just waiting for the chance to lay it on me?

"Well can we keep this between us for now? Can you not tell anyone just yet?" I say, resting my palm gently on his arm.

"Not even Jake?" he asks, and my ears ring.

"Especially not Jake," I say desperately, and he nods.

"Consider this our little secret, then," he says and winks, and I gasp when he slaps my bare ass as he walks away.

That was too easy. Way too easy, and I know sooner or later, there's going to be a catch. When I've put the box back under the floorboard, I go upstairs to my room, and find something else to pass my time. I'm not in the mood for any more sexual activity anyway.

I'm halfway through Moby Dick when there's a knock on my door, and I yell for whoever it is to come in.

"Good news. Jake's not coming home tonight," Austin says, supporting his shirtless, sexy frame on the door frame with one hand.

I know he's doing that on purpose, because I'm staring so hard, I have to remind myself to breathe every few seconds. Also, why is that good news?

"Uhm..okay. So?" I say, feigning nonchalance as I tear my eyes from his abs and return to my novel.

"Do you want to suck my dick?"

The color drains from my face and I miss my next breath as I ask, "Excuse me?", because I'm not sure I heard that right.

"Oh come on, Danny. You think I'm going to keep your secret for free?" he deadpans, like it's supposed to be common knowledge. Ha! Joke's on him, I already knew there would be a catch. Just not what he is suggesting right now.

"Well, I mean, we're cousins, and you're straight, but if you're down, I mean—"

I know I answered that way too fast and way too easily, but I cannot even pretend. Screw morals and all that shit, the heavens know I've wanted a go at that cock ever since I saw it all those days ago.

He walks over to my bed, pulls his shorts down, and drops on his back beside me.

"I was thinking no kissing or anything like that. You know, so that we don't make it weird," he says, and I nod. This is already so weird, but what the hell.

I drop the book and straddle his torso, splaying my fingers across his broad chest. He smiles, his honey colored eyes holding mine for a second as I bend down, and kiss down his neck.

"Any second now," he whispers desperately. I hold my palm in front of him and he spits in it. My tongue circles his nipples, and my hand disappears between his legs. I take him in my palm and stroke him gently as I kiss my way down his stomach.

"I can't wait to fuck you with my mouth," I say, as I kneel between his legs and kiss his inner thighs.

He jerks when I slowly slip my lips over his tongue traces little loops on the underside, and my fingers stroke his shaft.

Pulling away, I drag my wet lips over his stiffness and then slowly take him in my mouth, and I love the way he stretches my lips as I take him in my mouth.

I bob my head over his cock, and soft mmm's and ahh's escape his lips as my hand massages his balls.

"Fuck yes," he rasps, his fingers wrapping themselves in my hair. I moan as he thrusts upwards, lodging his cock deep in my throat. Fuck, he's so big.

I look up at him, tears in my eyes, spit running down the sides of my mouth, his abs clenching each time he fucks my mouth, and I know he's close.

"Fuck, Danny...if you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to blow," he growls.

I pull away, desperate to take control again. My mouth sucks and my fingers stroke him, and his breathing becomes labored. He stands up and orders me on my knees in front of him, and he grabs my head with one hand, and strokes his cock with the other.

His knees buckle, and he grunts. His muscles clench as he bellows, and then I feel his warm seed on my face, and in my hair, and on my chest. He rubs his cock over my face and then pushes it between my lips, and I suck his seed off of him.

"That, that...was really good head." He says after he cleans up and gets redressed, and then spanks my ass as he walks out.

"Too bad it's a one time thing," I tell him, very well knowing it is not.

I just want his confirmation.

He pauses in the doorway, turns around and looks at me, a big grin on his face.

"Don't count on that," says and shuts the door behind him.

I fall back onto my bed and smile. Danny one, Austin zero.

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