🌊 Book One: Water 🌊 The Avatar Returns🦋

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This font is for speaking
Previously on ATLA

"Wake my uncle! Tell him I found the Avatar."

He looks through the telescope again and follows the three, running back to the village and away from the ship.

"As well as his hiding place."

The three of us were walking back to the village; you can still see the flare we had set off in the sky. The bright illumination sends out a signal to anyone nearby. As we get closer to the village, I can see everyone expecting us with worry and anxiety. As soon as we reach the entrance, the tribe's kids run towards Aang.

"Yay! Aangs back!"

They all swarmed around him, cheering that the strange, fun boy was back. That was when Sokka came to confront Aang and his intentions. He is on his guard and acquisitively points to Aang while walking towards the front.

"I knew it. You signaled the fire navy with that flare. You're leading them straight toward us, aren't you!"

We close the distance, and Katara is the first to speak.

"Aang didn't do anything. It was an accident."

"Yeah, we were on the ship, and there was this booby trap, and, well, we- we boobied right into it."

Aang explains what had happened while looking guilty, shit I would too if it were to be in danger a small friendly tribe, then Gran Gran puts her input in.

"Katara, you should've gone on that ship. Now we can all be in danger."

"Don't blame Katara. I brought her there. It's my fault."

Aang stood up for her and took the blame, still taking the blame and being guilty of the future harm it can bring. Hearing this, Sokka is now sure he's nefarious.

"A-ha! The traitor confesses! Warriors away from the enemy! The foreigner is banished from our village."

They were hearing Sokka's command, they walk away from Aang and back to the group, pissed off at Sokka's behavior. I wanted to let them know it was an accident. Aang stood up for Katara now it was my turn to return the favor.

"You're wrong, Sokka. He's not the enemy, plus it was an accident. We were penguin sledding and ended up on the boat. I'm sorry about putting you and the village through this, but it was an accident."

Hearing this, Katara backs me up, and Aang looks at me, and I see that he is grateful he has people on his side.

"Yeah! Sokka, you're making a mistake."

"No, I'm keeping my promise to Dad. I'm protecting you from threats like him."

"Aang is not our enemy. Don't you see? Aang has brought us something we haven't had in a long time—fun."

"Fun? We can't fight fire benders with fun!"

Aang butts in with a smile

"You should try it sometime."

"Get out of our village now!"

"Grandmother, please don't let Sokka do this."

"Katara, you knew going on that ship I was forbidden. Sokka is right. I think it's best if the Airbender leaves."

"Fine! Then we're all banished, too! Come on (y/n),Aang lets go!"

She grabs Aangs and my hand, pulling us to Appa, but Sokka does not believe her.

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