chapter 2

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It's been week since wedding preparations has been started everything was going smoothly today taehyung and his cousin brother min yoongi from his maternal side came to visit Jeon mansion with their wedding card and some gifts for jeon's.

Kookie come here bunny "yoona called him who was busy in kitchen
Coming eomma.."jungkook said to yoona who was busy in admiring wedding card

Baby see here"yoona was showing him wedding card it was simple but beautiful especially their names Kim taehyung weds Jeon jungkook he was busy in admiring card didn't noticed another another presence in livin' room.

Taehyung son why are you standing please take sit"min-seok said who came after calling tailor." Ab..yeah "nervous laugh escaped from his lips and took quick glance from his fiance who was embarrassed after seeing him present here another time he was asking to ground to swallow him."

Wait let me bring snacks for you kookie come with me "yoona drag him with her he mentally thanked his mother."

In kitchen both were serving some snacks in plates and yoona wasn't shutting her mouth about his son in law how he greeted her and all," kookie go take this in living room i am coming in few minutes ask your dad to come in bedroom we need to gift them something too "yoona said and handed trey in his hands"

Eomma why me "he whined it's not like he doesn't want to face him
Just little bit too much shy." Kookie go bunny I have to talk with dad maids are in garden and he is going to be your husband try to get comfortable around him "yoona said and pushed him outside of kitchen" eomma at least let me set myself look I am looking like homeless person"jungkook whined but yoona again shut him with glare."

Hands were sweating out of nervousness and heart beats were jiggling inside him he can hear his hear beat on tip of finger too taking baby steps he reached neer them where his dad was talking with taehyung with deep breath composing himself he made way towards them."

Excuse me "with soft small voice he served them snacks he was standing opposite of taehyung who was sitting in middle sofa burning gaze that's jungkook all can feel that's his fiance's intense gaze on him he wanted to tell his dad mom called him but his tongue was tied thanks to yoona who called him from upstairs."

Wait son I will be back jungkook look after him "jungkook give his best pleading puppy eyes but min-seok didn't melted just with little laugh he walked away."

Taehyung wanted to start conversation but silence from another person making it bit awkward," ab..thanks for snacks "at last he started conversation with soft smile"

Your welcome "said Jungkook with shy smile" why are you standing please sit "taehyung said oh god only he knows how he was finding words to woo with each other"no it's okay I am fine here "jungkook said and passed assuring smile"

Taehyung still not convinced he again insisted him so what.. jungkook didn't had any option except sitting on another sofa chair hands were clutching on hanfu's sleaves while playing with them little."

You are looking beautiful"out of blue taehyung passed comment to jungkook who's eyes flutter and crimson red colour spread on his cheeks he was just waring blue coloured hanfu with his black silky hairs tied in bun some bangs left over his forehead some loose Fringes loosely tucked behind his ear no extra makeup one butterfly pendent decorating on neck with pair of small but beautiful eating engagement ring in finger with bracelet shining on his wrist his hanfu was perfectly hugging his body giving beautiful view of his curvy waist it was simple but purest beauty for taehyung no words left for him taehyung was ready to worship this beauty on his knees

Umm thanks "only two words escaped from jungkook's mouth indeed deep ocean hazel eye's were effecting him alot eyelashes were fluttering not able to look towards anything except ground

Taehyung "his cousin yoongi called him " we need to leave gotra invite alot of families at least let's complete this bunch of cards "yoongi said but his eyes suddenly stopped on certain bunny who was looking at them with curious soft eyes yoongi turned his head towards taehyung again confirming his query earning nod from brother he gave his best gummy smile."

Hey there brother in law I am min yoongi nice to meet you his bestfriend slash cousin "jungkook return soft shy smile while introducing himself" hello hyung-nim I am Jeon jungkook nice to meet you have sit let me bring snacks for you too "jungkook said while standing up making his way towards kitchen.

No need bun I have already bring it"yoona said with min-seok behind her with 2-3 bags in his hands."

No aunty we need to go gotta visit other families too if we eat not will not able to drink tea in other's home "yoongi denied "

Yes aunty----son you both can call me eomma or mom "yoona said with warm smile."


We should leave now"yoongi said and take glace from tae who nodded in agreement."

Have safe journey son's make call when you will reach "min-seok said while bidding them bye."

Appa can I talk to you "taehyung asked with a hint of hesitance and nervousness min-soek catched his actions ask yoongi and yoona to go forward while kookie already barged inside his room."

Yes son any problem"min-seok said softly as much as he can..he was aware of nervousness and hesitance." Umm appa can I-i have his number!? "He managed to not shutter."

Oh son he doesn't use phone but you can have telephone number"he said while taking a note and pen and give written number to taehyung well a phone smart device like this was still unknown in their life style jungkook prefer long talks face to face instead of using that box for him telephone was enough."

Thanks uncle."taehyung beemed in happiness and hugged min-seok well min-seok was bit awkward still managed to hug him back"

Okay dad bye take care of yourself and everyone appa said he will make call about catering in weddings also rings shopping he asked me to pass you message."they both made way towards car"sure son
Send him our greetings "min-seok gave lite hug and bidded them bye."

What son in law was asking everything okay? "Yoona approched min-seok as soon as taehyung and yoongi's xar disappeared from main get." Everything is okay he was asking number of eh.. jungkook."

Both was little awkward before their marriage they saw first time each other in wedding day thought was still same but they are also known as today's progressive generation they does not have any problem but bit awkwardness."

Dw problem yoona both need communicate each other it's normal even if we are first parents who are letting them talk before marriage I am fine with it as much they can be happy it's about their relationship"min-seok reassured his wife earning understanding nod."


Hope you have enjoyed it babies
might bit boring but you will love next part
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