Chapter 6

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  "Im sorry...Im so sorry I shouldn't have left, I...I...I just needed a walk to think and I got lost and...and" That's all
I managed to say before I was sucked into a hug.
"Shhhhh...You're okay it doesn't matter, what matters is you're safe and unharmed." There is something in her voice that makes me calm down but I don't know what it is.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALEX'S POV:
We make it back to the tree house and eventually we soon fall asleep and I wake up to a dinosaur on the bed. I look at it trying to figure out what dinosaur it is and then I hear my dads voice, and instantly know that it's a raptor. I get up, careful not to wake the raptor and go to the common room. I walk in and see Darius talking to my dad. Well Darius was yapping to my dad. I walked over to the breakfast cabinet and pull out a poptart. I close the cabinet and it makes a sound, making my dad look over at Darius. He finished telling his story then gets up and gives me a hug. We stood there for a minute then he let go.
"Good morning Alex," He says walking over to the water dispenser.
"Morning dad" Then Darius looks at me and his jaw drops. A look of confusion appears on my face. Just then my dad turns around and he looks at Darius' face studying it trying to figure out what Darius is looking at without actually looking, after a moment or two he gives in and looks at me. Still obviously bewildered, he looks back at Darius. Just then Yaz, Sammy, Ben, Kenji, Brooklyn, Dave and Roxie walks in and all their jaws except Dave and Roxie's. Brooklyn stands there for a second then seeing the obvious puzzled look on my face she walks over to me and pets my wolf ears making them twitch. My face turns fearful, my ears go down, and I hug Brooklyn, burrowing my head into her body. She hugs me back tightly, as if telling me it's okay. I take a minute to gather my thoughts and feelings and withdraw myself from the tight embrace. I look at Dave. He gives me a stern look that says: you should probably tell them. I take a deep breath and look at Brooklyn,she gives me a: You got this smile. So I look at Darius. He had the same amazed look that he did when Brooklyn got caught with her wolf ears out. Darius' astonished face tells me I need to tell them so I do.
"I don't know where to start or what to say so... Just ask me any questions you have.'' Everyone exploded at once, erupting with questions. So much noise was being made that Alex had to yell to get everyone to shut up. After everyone was quiet she went from person to person asking what questions they had and did her best to answer them. I got a few comments on how cool they look and if I was going to pierce them or not.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AFTER THAT
I went to my room, grabbed my book and my reading glasses and went to the balcony. I found a nice spot to sit and start reading. Eventually I was joined by Yaz, Sammy and Brooklyn. Brooklyn had a blanket wrapped around her body.Yaz and Sammy sat on the couch on the other side of the balcony and Brooklyn took a seat next to me.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BROOKLYN'S POV:

I sat down next to Alex and said "It's cold out here, you want to share my blanket?" She nodded in response so I took the corner of the blanket and put it around her left shoulder. We sat like that for a while. She read and I enjoyed being outside with her. Then she puts down the book she's reading and I put my head in her lap. She smiles and starts to play with my hair. She whispers to me to bring my wolf ears out. So I do and we start talking about how I pierced my left ear. Then she asked if I could pierce her left ear twice so there was two gold rings in a line. "Yeah I can do that,Let's go" I said getting up. She follows me inside and to the room. I walk over to my suitcase, get ready and tell her to take a deep breath. After I put the first one in she looks like she needs a hug so I give her one then get ready to do the second one and say "You got this just breath in and out big deep breaths." She takes deep breaths as I put the second ring in.
"Done" I say as she opens her eyes. She gets up and looks in the mirror, I follow her eager to hear what she thinks.
"I Love it" she exclaims happily.
"Really?" I ask.
"Really, Cupcake" She said, looking at me with a smile on her face. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to get ready for bed." She walks off to the bathroom and I walk to the common room. Sammy and Yaz were talking about something when I walked in.

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