Chapter 3

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A/N some of the characters are wolf hybrids ALEX'S POV

I wake up to people talking and instantly know something is really wrong. I get up and watch my brother speed off. I quickly get to my motorcycle, put on my helmet and chase after him.

I catch up to him when he stops at the medbay. I cut the engine, take off my helmet and ask him why he's here. When he heard my voice he stopped dead in his tracks. Then he turned around and said "Blue and Echo got into a fight and hurt each other, shouldn't you be at camp?"
"Oh shit I go to go love you dad." I say as I put my helmet on and start the engine and speed off.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AT CAMP
I arrive at camp and run to Roxie and jump into her arms
"Hey Rox"
"Hey Squirt, how's your dad?"
"He's fine, he's really worried though" I hugged her for a moment then let go.
Then we stood in silence for a minute before she spoke. "You're sharing a bedroom with Brooklyn." We ran out of bunks so she will be staying in your room. I already told her that you have wolf ears and a tail, so you don't have to hide them around her."
"Okay thanks for informing me."
I walk over to the elevator and click the button, the elevator opens and I walk in then I go up. The elevator dings and I walk into the common room, I walk over to the staff side and then walk to my room and knock on the door. I wait a minute then a voice inside says "Come in! ''I open the door and see Brooklyn sitting on the bed with a red jacket over her bra and she's reading a book. I blushed a little and said "Hey cupcake."
"Hey raptor girl"
"Raptor girl?"
"If you insist on calling me cupcake then it's only fair."
"Alright. I'm going to get ready for bed."
"Brooklyn said "Your wolf ears are so cute,"
"Thank you"I replied
"Can I... Can I touch them?" she questioned.
"Sure,"I answer.
"Yay" she says, then she moved so she would be able to
touch them and then starts petting, making me purr. After a moment Roxie walks in and Brooklyn stops petting me.
"Hey Rox," I said to the camp counselor.
"Hey squirt just wanted to tell you your dad said Blue is going to be okay."
"What about Echo?" I say with a concerned tone.
"Your dad said she might not make it through the night" Roxie said in a sad tone. "But the least we can do is hope."
"Yeah you're right" I said in a hopeful tone.
"Good night squirt"
"Night Rox"
Me and Brooklyn sat there for a moment in silence before Brooklyn asked "Why do you call her Rox?"
"I call her Rox because she's my dads girlfriend and she's also in my pack."I explained.
"You have a Pack?"she questioned
"Yeah, why?"
"I have one too"
"You do?"I asked sort of surprised
"Yeah"she says, revealing her ears and tails. Her left ear had a gold ring though it. I look at the clock over her shoulder and it says 9:00.
"We should go to bed,good night cupcake"
"Night raptor girl."
As I drift off, I realize I'm drifting towards Brooklyn. But I don't stop myself.

____________________________________________________ THE NEXT DAY


I wake up and I feel warm. I look over to find Alex sound asleep by my side with her arm laid across my chest. I feel my heart beat rising, so I close my eyes and take a deep breath. And when I open my eyes she's stirring and I see her open her eyes and sits up.
"Morning cupcake,"she said, rubbing her eyes.
"Morning" I say sitting up. "Hey, Alex?"
"Yes, cupcake?"
"Can I ask you something?"
"You just did but go on,"she said in a sarcastic tone.
"Yesterday when you told Dave to call your dad Because 'it's happening again, what did you mean by that?" She took a deep breath and stated
"About four months ago I was working at the raptor paddock. I was helping my dad train the raptors and I jumped into the paddock--because one of the new employees fell in--and I stood there frozen. I started to panic. I couldn't breathe so I put my hands up and got on my knees to surrender. My dad jumped into the pit and got in between me and the raptor. And then Roxie jumped in after clicking the gate button.Grabbed me but before she could tell Dave to close the gate, a raptor pounced on her and then she screamed a blood curdling scream that could have probably been heard on the other side of the island, and when I saw what happened, I blamed myself. I could have been able to do something." She took a shaky breath and started speaking again "She had a raptor claw sticking out of her wrist." She rolled up the sleeve of her navy blue hoodie and pointed to the scars. "I started cutting myself, I isolated everyone out, I started smoking. I didn't talk to my friends, Roxie, or even my dad. About a month ago I stopped,I stopped everything, I opened a new chapter and I started talking to everyone again I stopped smoking. I stopped cutting and I felt better for a while. But recently I went to the raptor paddock again and all the memories came back and I bolted off into the Jungle. And I went to my safe place. I stayed there for two weeks and then, I finally came home, I'm okay now though." When she finally finished, I pulled her into the biggest hug ever. We stayed like that for a few minutes then I pulled back. Then Roxie walked in and saw something and her eyes widened. I stare at her face, confused so I look over to Alex and she leans over and whispers in my ear.
"You have your tails and ears out" I look at her in surprise and I touch the top of my head and sure enough my ears were out. Just then Roxie spoke up,
"I... You... What... You know what, never mind I came to tell you breakfast is ready. And make sure you put your ears and tail away Alex, Oh and uh.. Brooklyn hide your ears and tails. We have some employees that work here that would kill to have anything to do with wolves like you." Then she walked out, closing the door behind her. We sat in silence for a minute, then Alex got up and walked over to her suitcase. I decided to break the silence to ask a question.
"Hey..uh Alex"
"Yes cupcake?"
"When Roxie said that 'some of the employees that work here would kill to have anything to do with wolves like me.' What did she mean?" Alex then takes a big breath before speaking
"She means that some of the laws here are different from where you're from. Like, I'm in the workforce here so all of the employees legally can't hurt me, but you're not and the law says that if there are two tailed wolves on the island that don't work here then they are allowed to take them down."
"Take them down how?" My voice cracks.
"Take them down like this" She says, grabbing a gun, turning around and pointing it at me. I feel my ears go down and I freeze. The door opens and Dave walks in. He stares in confusion-as if he is trying to comprehend what's happening- for a second then yells.
"Roxie, Alex is pointing her guns at people,again!"
Roxie runs into the room and steps in front of me and then she says to me to put my hands on my head and get down on my knees. So I follow her directions then Alex snaps back to reality and puts the gun down.

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