Chapter 7

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"Who wants to play truth or dare?" Kenji asked as he walked in from the bunk room.
"I'll play Kenj," Sammy said.
"I'll play," Yaz replied.Just then Kenji looked at me and I answered. "I'll play, I got nothing better to do anyways"
"Ok Uh...Sammy truth or dare?" Kenji questioned the texan.
"Dare" She said with a grin on her face.
"Uh ok I dare you to go out to the balcony and yell cheese at the top of your lungs"
"Ok I'll be back in a minute" She says as she walks outside, closes the door behind her, walks to the railing and yells so loud that it could probably be heard on the other side of the island. Then she walks back inside, just as Alex walks in with a questioning look on her face. "What was that sound?" She asks.
"Sammy was dared by Kenji to yell cheese at the top of her lungs, nice earrings." Yaz complemented.
"Thanks" Alex says, "Can I play?"
"Sure" Kenji replied, she sat down next to me and then Sammy asked yaz.
"Yaz true or dare?" Yaz thought for a minute and then said "Dare" Sammy put on a thinking face then said "I dare you to tell the story of how you got into running"
"Ok..." Yaz took a breath before continuing "I was in 4th grade and I was running in gym class and then the end of the quarter rolled around and my gym teacher told my mom that I should try out for track, so I did and 5 years later there I am living an awesome life with thousands of gold metals." Then Yaz asked Alex "Truth or dare?"
"Truth," Alex replied


"What happened the other day when Brooklyn ran out of your room and you ran after her?" Yaz asked. I look at Brooklyn and she looks at me and nods, as if she's giving me persimmon to tell them.
"Do you want to know what happened before that or after?"
"Before" She replies
"I pointed a gun at her" I said quietly,
"YOU DID WHAT?!?" The texan yelled
"I... I" I couldn't finish my sentence without crying so I stopped and just closed my eyes.
Yaz must have looked at Brooklyn because Brooklyn said "She pointed a gun at my face when I asked her a question," I feel a hand on my back, then I hear someone ask if I want a hug and I just nod my head. I feel the hand on my back slide to my shoulder blade then another hand grab onto my waist and pull me so I'm lying in someone's lap I hug them back. And then I release then relax and open my eyes.The person who asked if I wanted a hug was Brooklyn,I look at her and she starts to pet my wolf ears, making me purr. Eventually I fell asleep.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TIME SKIP

It was around 9pm when I woke up. When I opened my eyes I realized I was in the common room on someone's lap. I remember what happened an hour ago. I sit up only to find Brooklyn sleeping sitting up. I move her very slowly so she's lying down. I move her red hair out of her face. Then I lie down next to her, wrapping my arms around her and burying my face into her chest.My breathing synced with hers and eventually, I fell asleep again.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BROOKLYN'S POV:

When I wake up the sun is rising. I try to sit up but something is holding me down. I look to my side and I see Alex sleeping peacefully, arms wrapped around me with a smile on her face. I flip onto my side, moving my hand on my left side to her,I take my right hand to her left side. Carefully sliding my hand under her side then I lift her up and she mumbles. "Five more minutes dad," I smile and move her, so her head is on my shoulder. I stand up slowly, adjusting my balance so I don't fall on my face. I walk to the bedroom and put her in the bed. I walk over to my suitcase and grab a black shirt that says "Such as life..." in red, and black ripped jeans, and a pair of blue socks. I walk over to her suitcase and grab a blue shirt, a pair of black socks, and a pair of black jeans. I put her clothes on the bed and take mine with me to the bathroom to get changed. 
When I come back Alex is stirring in her sleep I walk up to her and notice her breathing fast.I take her hand and put it to my heart I take deep breaths till her breathing slows. I'm about to go get breakfast but she squeezes my hand and mumbles. "Please don't leave me" A sense of worry washes over the sleeping girl's face.
"I won't baby, I promise," I reassure her and her face drops back into a smile. I sit there scrolling on my phone, my left hand still in hers. When she finally wakes up it's almost ten.
"Good morning cupcake," She said to me groguly.
"Good morning, it's about ten o'clock. I set out some clothes for you to wear, they are over on the corner of the bed."
"Thank you cupcake" she replied happily
"No problem, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me" I get up and walk over to the corner where I left my shoes the night before and I put them on then walk out, leaving her to get ready for the day.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALEX'S POV:

After I get dressed I head to the kitchen. When I enter the kitchen nobody is there so I grab a toaster pastry
and walk into the common room.In the common room I find Ben and Kenji cuddling, Darius on his phone, and Sammy talking to Brooklyn about Yaz.  Brooklyn motions me to sit next to her. I do and ask "Where's Yaz?" Sammy responds with,
"Yaz is out on a run, she's been gone for a while though"
"Okay, where are Dave and Roxie?" Kenji points over to a table and said "The babysitters took off early this morning, they left a note over there" I get up and walk over to the table, pick up the note and read it. GTG, be back later boss , talk ttyl & stay inside. "Huh," I say confused "That's Dave speak Roxie translated it on the back." I flip the piece of paper over and read it. We have to go talk to our boss and be back later to stay inside looking at you Kenji, sorry the kids' menus are all Dave had. I finish reading it and throw it back on the table. Well Kenji was complaining, I heard something, something in the distance, something big.
"Uhh guys" I say in a worried voice, nobody heard me so I say again. "Guys there's something out there" I'm starting to panic.

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