Friday, July 29th, 1994

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I can't believe it! I truly cannot believe my luck right now! Everything in my life has never looked brighter. Even my mother can't bring my good mood down (even though she's been trying ever since I got home from cheer practice earlier). 

Lucas invited me to a party!

A party!!!!!!! At his house!!

I sound so silly, I know I do. I actually hate myself for writing some of this stuff in here, but I am so excited and ecstatic about this opportunity. Lucas is the cutest guy in school, and he personally invited me to a party at his house. Usually, he only invites Caroline, but he actually invited me! I can't believe it. Finally, something is going right for once in my life!

I think I'm going to go dance around my room now :)

- Orchid, July 29th, 1994

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