Monday, September 5th, 1994

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I saw Gary at school today, right after lunch. He didn't notice me -- no one does. But I saw him walking down the hallway with a girl. Strange, huh? I didn't think this boy had any other friends, let alone friends that were girls. Did he already move on from me because I haven't called him back or even talked to him since we last saw each other at that random birthday party? That sort of makes me feel even worse. 

I don't know why, though. Why should I feel bad if he found another girl to waste his time with? I didn't even like him that much in the first place. He was too weird for me, too energetic about the things he talked about, namely the stories he writes in his free time. Then again, I did have fun with him on our date.

I don't know anymore. My mind is a confusing mess right now, and it didn't get better after seeing Gary in the hallway because Jenny swooped in and took me by the arm, dragging me through the school while she chatted about God knows what. She kept asking me why I hadn't called her in a long time or why we didn't each lunch with each other today.

What's even worse: we saw Lucas while we were taking this quick walk through the school, and him and Jenny acted as if they didn't even know each other. I could have slapped both of them in that moment if my hand wasn't wedged between mine and Jenny's sides. 

Ugh. I just hate my life right now. I can't wait for school to end and me to leave this awful town. Nothing good happens here, and no one even cares about me. 

Future me, if you expect me to be all sappy and write happy-go-lucky things, your memory must have disappeared. My life is a never-ending pile of garbage, and the only way to get rid of the stink is to run away.

Maybe I will do that. I mean, I'm basically old enough to live on my own, and if I scrounge around for some money at home, I could afford a bus ticket to go literally anywhere else. Nothing's stopping me.

- Orchid, September 5th, 1994

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