Coming Home

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Somewhere in outer space, MYS Kebenaran spaceship is dashing in the outer space.

Inside the spaceship, Boboiboy place EggaBot on pod charger.

Boboiboy: There. EggaBot is safe now.

Boboiboy walk away and go to his team for reporting their mission.

Cici Ko: <Good work! Yet another Power Spheres were safely retrieved.>

Boboiboy then salute to the Commander.

Boboiboy: Thank you, Commander.

Soren: (Sigh) Commander, I have something to said to you.

Koko Ci: <Yes. What is it, Captain Soren?>

Soren: He saved Adu du and Probe during our mission.

Koko Ci: <What?>

Soren: Fang. Show it to the Commander.

Fang: Alright, Captain.

Fang press the button and show holographic screen and the images of Boboiboy saving Adu du and Probe.

Koko Ci: <This is unwise, Boboiboy. You have compromised this mission.>

Boboiboy chuckle.

Soren: Boboiboy, if you keep during like this forever. We can lose the Power Sphere any time.

Fang: I agree with you. You should have processed the mission. Not wasting time on Adu du.

Tarung: <What is all the fuss about, Cadet?!>

Everyone on the ship were shocked to see Admiral Tarung on the screen.

Everyone: Admiral?!

Boboiboy: it's nothing, Admiral Tarung.

Gopal: Nothing? He compromised the mission again! He actually saved Adu du and Probe!

Admiral Tarung was shocked.

Tarung: <WHAT?!?!?!>

Boboiboy: But...

Soren cut Boboiboy words.

Soren: <He actually saved EggaBot and it was retrieved and safe and sound, Admiral.>

The scenes switch to TAPOPS station.

Koko Ci: He was right, Admiral. Boboiboy did save and retrieve the Power Sphere. To date, Boboiboy team is the highest achieving team in TAPOPS.

Tarung observed the images of Boboiboy saving Power Spheres.

Tarung: Well done. Good work, Boboiboy!

Boboiboy was relief.

Tarung: <Well this leave you have been applying for.....>

Everyone on the spaceship were waiting for Admiral Tarung to said.

Soren: promote our rank!

Tarung: <No. Going home to Earth is granted!>

Everyone: Yeah! We're going home!

Soren: Oh. I thought you're going to promote us our rank.

Tarung: <Hahaha. Maybe next time, Soren.>

A few hours later, the spaceship has arrived at Planet Earth.

Captain Papa: Finally, we have arrived on Earth.

Gopal run to the window and hug on the window.

Gopal: Uhahaha... I can really smell Amma curry from here.

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