DCD in another planet

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The spaceship of the space explorers has arrived at their home planet.

Ryuyaki: Here is our home planet, kid. Planet Vulpex.

Soren: Wow. It looks very amazing.

Tsurio: No. Down there will look even more amazing.

An hour's later, the spaceship landed on the landing site. They go out from the spaceship from the lower hatch of the spaceship. When their arrive there was no people at the station dock or even the market places.

Ryuyaki: Strange....

Soren look at the captain crew.

Soren: What strange?

Ryuyaki: This place usually to have many people to buys items at this marketplace inside the station dock. But, it never been too quiet except there was a day off or a ceremony.

Soren: How about we go check?

Ryuyaki: Yeah.

The group them go to the exit of the station dock and see the city was too quiet and eerie. There was no people like it was a ghost town.

Tsurio: This place look so quiet....

Marisu: But where are all the people?

Suddenly, a step of marching can be heard. It was the army of velvet uniforms marching toward them and carried their firearms. The group and Soren were confused and scare.

Marisu: Grandpa, what is going on here?

Nowota: Marisu, stay calm.

The soldiers stop marching and the leader step forward and begin to speak.

??? [Leader]: Greetings, citizens of Vulpexs. We are the soldiers of Canison from the Empire of Kasnizen.

Tsurio: Oh no... I don't like it.

Soren look at Tsurio and whisper to him.

Soren: Why are you acting like you don't like this soldier wolfs?

Tsurio: Because Vulpexs really don't like Canisons. Even worse that their own king torture their own kind.

Ryuyaki: What is going on here? Where are all the people in this city?

Leader of Canison: We captured your kinds and transport them to the mining cavern.

Ryuyaki: What? But why?

Dr. Doza: This is very cruel! The King of Velpuxas will punish your actions and your King too!

Leader of Canison: Your King already inside the prison.

Tsurio: What...? It can't be happening!?

Leader of Canison: It already happening, young man. Your kingdom have been colonize by us. Now, all of you need to start working at the mining cavern.

The two soldiers step forward and go toward them. Soren look at the two soldiers and then he turn around at the group.

Soren: Ryuyaki! You and your group get out from here! I handle this!

Ryuyaki: What?! Are you out from your mind?!

Soren: Just trust me! Run as fast as you can!

Ryuyaki think for a moment and look at Soren and nodded. Ryuyaki look at his team.

Ryuyaki: Everyone! Let go!

Tsurio: But, what about him?

Ryuyaki: He handle it. Hurry!

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