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After the event, The MYS Kebenaran spaceship was crash at Planet Quabaq. Boboiboy, Gopal, Ochobot, Captain Papa and Pipi were walking in the jungle and try to find someone. The recording video hologram of Commander Koko Ci was played but corrupted.

Koko Ci: <This is Hang Kasa. Find him [static] and get the [statics]. Be careful! According to the intel [statics] he- [statics].

Boboiboy: I've lost all of my Elemental powers. What would Hang Kasa can help us?

Ochobot: I'm not sure. Let's just find Hang Kasa first.

Pipi: Mhmm.... Everyone look so sad. I have to cheer them up! I have a song just  for you, Papa.

Papa Zola: Huh? What song is that?

Pipi: 🎶 Papa goes to supermarket, Papa buy some nuggets by the pound, Papa finished all the nuggets, that why his tummy is very round. 🎶

Papa Zola: Hey, nobody talked about my tummy. I'm really hungry, let's eat first.

Boboiboy: Did you get any news from TAPOPS, Ochobot?

Ochobot: Not yet. But I actually have some bad news about Soren

Boboiboy: Soren? What happened to him?

Ochobot: After the explosion from TAPOPS station, his body was never been found. But Commander said that he not sure if he was dead or not.

Boboiboy: (sigh) I can't believe we lose everything because of me.

Ochobot: Hey, don't blame yourself, Boboiboy. It not your fault at all.

Boboiboy: No. It true. I should have listened to Commander instructions! If I did that, of course it will not happen! Even worse than Soren death.

Papa Zola put down his bag and rest for awhile.

Papa Zola: Oh dear.... Hey, let's get some rest. My legs can't move anymore.

Boboiboy: Yeah. It also getting dark here.

Suddenly, a red eyes appear on the trees and bushes. Gopal freak out and try to grab his touch light.

Gopal: Eh?! What are those eyes!?

Gopal flash at the mysterious creature and turn out to be a alien like sloth.

Papa Zola: What kind of animal is this?

Ochobot scan the creature.

Ochobot: That's a Kang Kong.

Boboiboy and Gopal: Kang Kong?

Ochobot: Yes! They are very slow during the day but at night they are fast and vicious!

Gopal: Fast as night? They pretty slow to me.

Gopal move his flashlight and then the Kang Kong jump at him and prepare to attack him.

Boboiboy: Gopal!

Gopal look at Kang Kong and he was shocked and scared.

Gopal: AAAAHHHH! Don't come near me!

He flash at the Kang Kong and become slow.

Papa Zola: What is wrong with this creature?!

Pipi: They move so slow, Papa!

Ochobot: They must sensitive to light! When there's a light, they think it daylight!

Boboiboy: Oh. If that case. Boboiboy Solar!

But he can't transform into Solar.

Ochobot: Your Solar Power's gone, Boboiboy!

Boboiboy: Er.... Boboiboy Blaze!

Boboiboy turn into Boboiboy Blaze and he light up his fire and they were surprised to see a group of Kang Kong attacking in slow motion.

Pipi: We're surrounded by Kang Kongs, Papa!

Suddenly, Boboiboy Blaze fire is getting smaller.

Boboiboy Blaze: Huh? My fire's getting smaller.

Ochobot: You don't have enough energy, Boboiboy!

Gopal flashlight getting out of battery.

Gopal: Eh? What wrong with my flashlight?

The flashlight go on again and he got jump scares by the Kang Kongs.

Gopal: Aaahhh? I almost got a heart attack!

Pipi Then go inside the EggaBot.

Pipi: Er... I'm going to sleep first. It's a school night.

She close the hatch.

Papa Zola: Hey! It not even school yet! Come out and help us!

Boboiboy Blaze turn back to normal.

Boboiboy: Oh no!

Then they got attacked by the Kang Kongs until an old man holding a glowing staff and scared them off.

Old man: Stay away! Shoo! Shoo!

Boboiboy: Who... Who is that?

The old man go to Boboiboy.

Old man: Don't worry. You all are safe now....

Boboiboy close his eyes and feel tired from the attack of Kang Kong.

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