Saving the Kingdom of Velpuxas

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Somewhere else at the sky, the spaceship of space explorer was hovering at the sky.

Tsurio: Hey, Doc. Do you think Soren will be fine?

Dr.Doza: I'm not sure, Tsurio. Since he a human from planet Earth, I don't think he can do this by himself.

Marisu: Then we must go help him!

Nowota: Marisu, we can't go back.

Marisu: Grandpa! He needs our help! We can't just let him being captured by those army of Canison!

Ryuyaki: Marisu, he sacrificed himself to save us from Canisons.

Marisu: Yeah! I know that! But we can't leave him behind! We must-

Nowota: Marisu, that enough.

Marisu turn around at her grandfather.

Marisu: Grandpa, we must save him!

Nowota: Marisu... Do you still remember what happened to your brother?

Marisu: What do you mean, Grandpa? Of course I still remember him, what wrong?

Nowota: Your brother sacrifice himself to stop the guards after we escaped from the mining cavern. Do you still remember?

Marisu was shocked and still remember of the event she experienced from the past.

Marisu: Yeah... I still remember that... If... Only... I...

Nowota: Marisu, don't blame yourself. Nobody blame you or me. Your brother try his best to protect us.

Marisu: But he died become of me! It should've been me!

Marisu then cry then her grandfather comfort her and pat her head.

Nowota: I also miss your brother so much... I miss him too...

The three of them saw the heartbreak story of her brother death. Ryuyaki look at the radar and show some unknown spaceship near at the spaceship.

Ryuyaki: Tsurio, we have some company.

Tsurio: Alright, Captain!

Tsurio rush towards the turret and as he go to the turret room and prepare to shoot the enemy, it was nothing only cloud. Tsurio then called the captain crew through the radio.

Tsurio: Captain, there is nothing here.

Ryuyaki: <What do you mean?>

Tsurio: It just nothing.

Suddenly, there was knock at the lower hatch of the spaceship.

Dr.Doza go toward the hatch window and try to check what was outside. Then D-Fourze show himself outside while he was floating using Gyro Module.

D-Fourze: Open the hatch!

Dr.Doza open the hatch and let D-Fourze in. Dr.Doza step back from him.

Dr.Doza: What are you and who are you?

D-Fourze stand up. He changed back to Decade and transform back to normal. Dr.Doza was shocked and surprised.

Dr.Doza: Soren?!

Then everyone rush to the room and was shocked too.

Ryuyaki: Soren!

Tsurio: I thought they will bring you to the mining cavern!

Marisu: I'm glad you're managed to escape from them! But...

Nowota: Soren, can you tell us what just happened to you?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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