Awake Part 2

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??? [Female]: Do you think he'll be fine?

??? [Older Man]: I'm not sure, Marisu. I hope this young boy is alright.

Soren then wake up from unconscious. He was lying on the bed and saw five people in the room. But some of them have animals featured such as fox ears and tails.

??? [Doctor]: He awake!

??? [Male]: Hey, man. Are you alright?

??? [Captain Crew] just stare at Soren and didn't say anything.

Soren: Where am I?

??? [Captain Crew]: On our spaceship, kid. What are you doing in this outer space?

Soren: Well.... I...

??? [Female]: We're glad we save you just in time before you died!

??? [Older Man]: Yeah... You cover with ice and almost dead, kiddo.

??? [Doctor]: Luckily, we were just on our back to go home before we saw a big destruction and saw you floating in the space, so we save you. You're lucky you're still alive.

Soren then stand up and go to the window and look at the outer space.

Soren: How long I'm being unconscious?

??? [Doctor]: 90 second.

Soren: (sigh)

Soren started banging on the window and let go of his anger issues. He then sit on the floor and felt defeated after he against Retak'Ka. Suddenly, ??? [Captain Crew] give him back his Neo Decadriver and Rider Book. He look up and saw his items.

??? [Captain Crew]: I believe this is yours.

Soren grab his Neo Decadriver and Rider Book.

Soren: Thanks but no thanks.

??? [Male]: Is there something bothering you?

Soren: It doesn't matter. None of your business.

??? [Female]: Just tell us. We will believe anything you said from your mouth.

Soren: I won't tell about my problem.

??? [Captain Crew]: Just tell us, kiddo or I'm going to drop you out from this spaceship.

Soren: Go ahead. I don't care about that.

??? [Captain Crew]: Look, kid. We save your live! Just tell us what just happened!?

Soren: I won't! I won't tell about it.

??? [Female]: Please. Just tell us what happened to you and how you ended up like this?

Soren look at the girl and look at them for a moment.

Soren: Fine. I will tell you guys about this.

Soren begin to tell about how it was started from Commander was attack by Retak'Ka. He then tell them that he use his Dimension Wall to travel to the station and try to stop Retak'Ka before Boboiboy and his gangs going to stop him. He then tell them about he and Boboiboy against Retak'Ka but Retak'Ka was unstoppable and defeated Boboiboy and himself. He also tell them his second attempt to defeat Retak'Ka using his Complete 21 but was defeated by him again.

Soren: That how I was ended like this and I accept my dead. I was too weak even though how strong I am.

The five people was shocked and surprised by his story.

??? [Male]: Wow.... That amazing!

??? [Doctor]: I didn't expect you can survive from that attack.

??? [Older Man]: Indeed.

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