An Emergency

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Early in the morning, Soren wake up and then he go to the showers and get some breakfast. He go check on EggaBot and he still safe.

Suddenly, the door was open and it was Papa Zola and Pipi enter the spaceship.

Soren: Eh? Mr. Papa and Pipi? What are you guys doing here?

Papa Zola: (sigh) my daughter wants to see a Power Sphere.

Pipi: Yes! I want to see in front of my eyes! Is that true papa?

Papa Zola: Yes. It true. So, Soren. What are you doing here so early?

Soren: Well, Boboiboy invited Fang to stay at his house for a sleep. So I take care of this spaceship while he was away.

Papa Zola: Oh....

Soren: Come inside. I show you the Power Sphere.

The three of them go to the elevator. The elevator is going up.

Papa Zola: Soren, how was the first night? Did you get some sleep?

Soren: Of course I can get some sleep, Captain Papa.

Pipi: Wow! That cool sleeping inside the spaceship! How many times did you sleep inside the spaceship, Soren?!

Soren: Um... Many times I guess.

Pipi: Wow! When I grow up, I want to be like my papa!

Soren: Well that good.

The door elevator open. When they enter the room, they saw Adu du inside the vault room.

Adu du: Huh?!

Pipi: Adu du?!

Soren: What are you doing here?

Adu du: Actually what are you doing here?

Suddenly, Probe out from the vent.

Pipi: What? Probe is here too?!

Probe: Huh?! Who is this little girl?

Pipi: I am Pipi Zola! Enemy of evil, daughter of justice!

Probe: Huh? Pipi Zola?

Pipi: Yeah! Pipi Zola! Putri Intan Payung Indah. Zola! Zulaikha Odelia Ladasyia Absyari!

Probe: Wow! That's a long name! How do you fill up your school forms?

Pipi: I no need to, Papa does it for me.

Papa Zola now sitting on a crate box.

Papa Zola: (Sigh) That's right.... It too late for regret...

Adu du then hit Probe head.

Adu du: Hey! Stop being friendly to them, Probe!

Kamen Ride: Kabuto! Change Bettle!

D-Kabuto: See you later, Adu du.

Clock Up!

He grab Papa Zola and Pipi along with EggaBot and then they use the elevator to get out from here.

Adu du and Probe chase them despite his movements is faster.

Adu du: Probe! Activate Chaser Mode!

Probe: Okay, Mister Boss! Activate Chaser Mode! Eh? Swim Mode?

Probe tap the Chaser Mode on the tablet but he accidentally tap the Swim Mode.

Adu du: Hahaha! You're done for!

Adu du is getting faster than his usual speed. Instead of running, he actually swim on the floor.

Adu du: Huh?! Why am I swimming?!

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