2• Anything you can do, I can do better

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"The fuck- what happened to you?" Lucifer asked, walking in the room unannounced. The radio demon was quick to act and threw on his coat with a snap of his fingers. "It's rude to just walk in you know" Alastor said gritting his teeth. He brushed off dust on his sleeves "You can leave now". "Already on my way out" Lucifer turned and swiftly exited the room. He pressed his back against the door when it shut, he wasn't embarrassed more like scared to be truly honest. A powerful demon like him, practically sliced in half. Does Charlie know his state? Maybe he better not say.


The gang all stood at the front entrance, watching in horror as a group of sinners attempted to throw objects and bomb the hotel. Charlie frantically paced around as the walls shook with each bomb that hit. "Where are they?!" She bit her fingernails. Having both the radio demon AND the king of hell itself absent wasn't pretty helpful right now.

Angel, Husk and Vaggie all geared up for a fight until Lucifer came running from behind them. "What's going on now?!" He yelled. A few seconds to observe the scene and he shot himself out of the door with one powerful swoop of his wings, flying high above the sinners outside.

"Uh Dad, where's Alastor?!" Charlie called out. Lucifer swooped down knocking a sinner off his feet. "Don't know, don't care. I got this covered honey" he shouted back down. A blast of yellow magic caused another sinner to fling across the lawn. Though he could easily just erase them from existence, he had fun with this.

He and the final sinner locked eyes as Lucifer plummeted downwards and the sinner threw a handheld bomb in his direction. Before Lucifer could finish the job, a dark tentacle grabbed the bomb mid-air and crushed it, the force of the explosion sending Lucifer backwards. "Hey! What's the deal?" He shouted angrily.

Alastor emerged from his radio tower, much larger than his usual self, grabbing the sinner in his tight grasp. "How dare you mess with the hotel" Alastor growled, firmly squeezing his fist. Showing no mercy, he shoved the sinner into his mouth causing everyone to wince at the sight. Lucifer gagged.

Returning to his usual size, he cleared the fog with a swift motion of his hand. "Well, that was fun. Never gets old" he smirked. Everyone blinked in unison. Lucifer landed beside Alastor "Nice of you to show up. Now we can all agree that I took care of those sinners". "Yeah but I finished it" Alastor chimed in. "At least I showed them SOME mercy instead of eating them for lunch!" Lucifer growled. "You mess with the hotel, you die. Next question" Alastor glared with a grin spread from cheek to cheek.
He was getting under Lucifer's skin. And he enjoyed every second of it.

Charlie broke up the banter "Okay guys, let's just thank each other for the help keeping the hotel safe. You'll make a great team if you learn to work together". She waved everyone over to help clean the mess the sinners made. Alastor spawned his microphone staff. "Well I'd love to stay and offer my assistance but I am needed in Cannibal Town. Our dear friend Rosie has some important news for me. Take care".

Angel leaned down to the king of hell as he walked past "For the record, you battle way better than smiles over there". Husk chucked at the comment "Yeah? Don't tell that to Alastor, he'd have a nervous breakdown". Lucifer took a moment to register what Husk had said as he watched Alastor strut down the hotel's pathway into town. Lightbulb!


After exchanging some small talk with a fellow demon, Alastor made his way into the heart of town. His eye twitched as he passed Vox's window display of screens. Ugh, what a joke. Radio is the better medium as much as these souls denied it.

"So, you're quite the punching bag huh?" A voice made Alastor snap out of his thoughts. He looked down to see the short king walking next to him. "I mean if I took a beating like THAT I would have definitely gotten it looked at" he gestured to Alastors chest.

"Don't know what you're talking about" The demon replied, returning his gaze in front of him. "The gaping HOLE in your fucking chest is what I'm talking about" Lucifer shouted. Alastor stopped in his tracks, eyes wide as sinners around them paused to listen to the commotion. "And this is where you stop. No further questions. Good day" Alastor growled, his eyes darting all around. He left Lucifer behind and continued to Cannibal Town.

Was Alastor embarrassed?! Lucifer tilted his head in thought. He was getting under Alastors skin. He kinda enjoyed it.

"You know Angel and Husk said I fight better than you" He smirked, catching up with the demon. "Oh? Is that so?" Red eyes met yellow ones. "The people have spoken, Red" Lucifer jabbed Alastors arm.
"I highly doubt that, be careful or your ego will explode" The radio demon said, adjusting his monocle. When he looked back down to his side, the king wasn't there.

"Wings are much more efficient and effective in battle" Lucifer's voice came from above. Alastor looked up at the king flying upside down in front of him. What a moron.

"Is that so? Then I must be foolish to think that dark magic can be far more critical. Hm, my mistake" The radio demon rose up with the assistance of two tentacles at each foot to meet Lucifer's height. He sure wasn't loosing this battle.

"The ability to shape shift beats that a billion to one" Lucifer beamed as he turned himself into a snake. No way in hell he was going to let Alastor win.

"Mm yes, but can your ability to shape shift allow you to do this?!" With a movement of his hand, the tentacles dove into town, smashing the window to the VoxTech display.

Lucifer hummed with satisfaction. "Surely you can't do this!" With one hard flap of his wings, he soared up high and firework-like explosions painted the red pentagram sky.

And of course, Alastor had to follow by one-upping the king. Sinners watched as the two demons high above bantered and battled it out with their unmatched skills for who knows how long.


The radio demon and the king of hell landed softly on the ground, next to a sign reading 'Welcome to Cannibal Town'.
They both took a moment to catch their breath, but made it impossible with small genuine yet annoyed chuckles escaping from their mouths.

Lucifer was able to finally gather his bearings "Ah, see? Im clearly the better one here" He adjusted his coat but watched as the Radio demon softly winced every now and then.

"Are you sure that's not... you know? Serious?" Lucifer broke the silence. Alastor fixed his posture "Again, leave it be if you value your life. Now then, I must carry on. Can't keep the ol' gal waiting" he started off in the direction of Rosie's place.

Lucifer shifted his feet. For a moment he actually thought to be interested in the radio pricks wellbeing? Huh.

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