15 • Perfect

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Alastors eyes fluttered open, struggling to adjust to the bright morning light shining through his window. He brought his blanket close to his chin and let out a satisfied and content hum. The night before— he had let his walls down completely. It took someone very exclusive and special for Alastor to feel even the slightest amount of comfort and trust to let them in. Lucifer had his flaws, yes. But he had shown the once-heartless demon that being good really has its perks.

The thought of their new mutual 'thing' caused the demons stomach to tense with adrenaline and excitement. He looked forward to seeing the short king again and feeling his touch. You could say he almost craved it which also scared him to the core.

Being so open to someone, being as close and physical with one another, and especially all the trauma dumping being exchanged had dug up a missing part of Alastor he never imagined would be found. And now being closely acquainted with the king of all people, he wouldn't want to share such vulnerability with anyone else. This little private world they created was enough.

Hearing the voices of the others getting louder downstairs by the minute, he decided to get up. After all, Lucifer was probably awake now too.


"Please gather in everyone! Ah yes come in closer! Perfect!" Charlie clapped her hands together "Today is going to be a very important day for the hotel and its future. Each of you are going to take a handful of these posters and hang them all around town".

Vaggie walked- no, fell into the room holding likely 100 pounds of paper flyers and posters Charlie had made for the hotel earlier this week. As Charlie handed out each poster to the group, Alastors eyes fell on the demon across the room. They shared a soft smile, completely forgetting everyone else was present.

"Uh- Al? You with us?" Charlie stood in front of the demon, tilting her head to the side. He blinked, returning his attention to the princess "Ah, thank you dear" he said, taking the posters in his grasp. Charlie paused for a moment, hm... that was odd. Vaggie felt a ping of unease in the pit of her chest as she watched the whole display clear as day right in front of her.

Once everyone had their hands full, Charlie instructed everyone to head out. The group all headed down the long pathway to the city, leaving Charlie and Vaggie at the doorway. "Hey hun?" Vaggie spoke softly. The princess turned her head with a wide grin painted on her face "Yeah?". Fuck, she was just too happy today, after all that's been going on. "Uh- Nothing" Vaggie said, placing her arm around the others waist "Why don't we go join them? There's still plenty of posters to go around" she continued.


The group all went separate ways when they came to the end of the hotels walkway, some going left, some going straight ahead, and that left only two to go left.

The king smirked at the tall red demon standing at his side. "Hey". "Hello" the other replied. Lucifer scrunched his face "Would have said good morning to you earlier, just didn't wanna make the others notice that I actually LIKE you is all" Lucifer chuckled, giving the demon a small nudge with his shoulder. Alastor nudged him back "That would be preposterous!"

The two started down the road, placing posters on each pole and fence they passed. Alastor used his magic to nail the posters in place.

"So— how was your sleep?" The demon asked. Lucifer put up another poster on the side of a building "Good. How bout you?" The king replied. The answer he received was a small "Good". The quiet ambiance of the empty street was loud as they made their way further down the sidewalk, now in a decent sized alley way out of the open.

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