7 • Mentor

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Alastor didn't want to change. He enjoyed his way of life in hell. What Lucifer said earlier had really soaked through his thick skin and he thought hard, reflecting on his words. The king offered to be some kind of mentor to him— a teacher if you will, to show him the ropes of using your abilities for good and that some souls weren't all bad. It was just a matter of getting the demon to start believing that.

Lucifer had planned a field day with Charlie. The residents of the hotel would take a day to wander around and see the hidden beauty hell had to offer. Charlie thought it was a fantastic idea to get everyone out together, but Lucifer only had plans for one demon.

As they wandered down a pathway on the outskirts of the city, Vaggie showed everyone the river that ran all around the city, the rare sighting of flowers that bloom only once every few years. This don't last too long since Angel, Cherri, and Husk managed to sneak off to a bar, of course.

Lucifer kept glancing back to make sure the radio demon was still present. Alastor noticed each time.

Charlie suggested they should sit down for a while and just enjoy the quiet. She and Vaggie found a bench to sit on by the river bank and watch Nifty scatter around to attempt at killing bugs. Alastors attention was drawn away from the group and he turned to walk closer to a cluster of trees. He didn't notice Lucifer curiously following loosely behind.

A deer-like animal grazed on the vegetation, not giving a care in the world that it was being watched. Alastor tilted his head "Good day young fellow" he said. It was unclear if this deer would be his next meal or not.

Lucifer approached from behind careful not to startle either of them. "You're not gonna eat that poor thing are you?" He said softly. Alastors ears perked up at the voice but didn't bother to turn around "Hm, perhaps. Pickings are rather slim these days. He's quite a feast". Lucifer winced "Your fucking disgusting".

The king had an idea. He made an apple appear in his hand and cautiously stepped closer to the creature. "You know, if you really try..." he spoke softly. The deer raised its head at the king, threatening retreat back into the trees. "Nonono I won't hurt ya" he whispered. "... and just take your time to observe..." he continued. The deer cautiously sniffed his hand. "... we can transform our ordinary everyday little wonders into something extraordinary". The deer gently took the apple from his hand, allowing the king to stroke its head. He looked back at Alastor with a gentle smile.

The radio demons gaze softened a bit. Lucifer made another apple appear for the creature, who now sniffed him all over for another. The two ladies happened to notice and turned around to watch from afar. Charlie was practically melting at the adorable moment.

Alastor finally spoke "I suppose I'll skip my lunch today". He started walking back to the girls. Lucifer watched as the demon turned away but was startled when Nifty came darting towards him in attempt to kill another bug. The deer scurried off into the trees. "You're so violent" the king told Nifty, as she sat in the grass laughing maniacally.

The group continued their outing, getting closer to the town. A large gust of wind swept a cloud of leaves over their heads, some getting caught in Alastors hair. Lucifer giggled "Nice look, Red. Though I don't think leaves are really in right now". Alastor grinned at the king "I see" he snapped his fingers and a stronger gust of wind blew, creating a mini tornado of leaves trapping Lucifer inside "HEY!". Everyone chuckled.

They walked past an Imp family, their youngest kid preparing to debut his homemade rocket launcher. As the kid pressed a button, the rocket made a small POOF and flared up in a cloud of smoke. He sadly stood there watching his creation fall apart.

"Poor little guy" Vaggie said while Charlie was on the verge of tears. Lucifer's eyes trailed up to the demon standing next to him. Alastors eyes met the kings, raising an eyebrow questioning his look. Lucifer gestured with his head in the direction of the kid. Alastor let out an annoyed huff and headed towards the kid.

He took a quick look behind him at the king, who stood there smirking with his hands crossed over his chest. The Imp family froze when Alastor approached them, the young child shook in fear. "Quite the interesting contraption you've got there" he said. The kid didn't move. "Perhaps you could use a little help" with a snap of his fingers, the rocket rebuilt itself, with a much sturdier and more powerful launcher.

The child smiled, giving it another test run. This time it soared in the air, falling back down into the youngsters arms. "Thank you sir!" He squealed, running back to his parents to show them the rocket. Alastor let out a pleased hum. That felt... pretty different.

He felt a soft jab to his side. Lucifer smiled proudly at the demon "Congratulations Red, you just passed the pop quiz". Though it will take a lot more than a rocket launcher to really make a change.

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