Chapter 3: flaming skin

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The group was walking through a dense forest. Trees surrounded them completely. Barely any light came through the canopy.

"Come on guys, we need to hurry," Natsu says as he rushes ahead of the group.

"Hang back guys, something doesn't feel right," King says as he follows Natsu. "Natsu slow down, this could be a trap," he said. Just as if they were waiting for him to say that, something snapped in the distance and a cage fell on top of King.

"Looks like we caught a wizard, boys" a man's voice says. A bunch of men step out of the trees. The men all have the same guild mark.

"Be careful, these guys are from Soul Heart, it's a mercenary guild" Laxus says.

"The old guy knows his stuff, but that won't help you" a man from the guild says. "We have been hired to take out this man and no one gets in the way of Soul Heart" he says pointing to the cage. One of the men lunges for King. King tries his breath attack but nothing comes out.

"What is wrong with my magic?" King asks the blade barely missing his face.

"This cage cancels out any magic user's powers within its walls" a man says.

"Sky dragon roar" Wendy yells as the wind blast rips through the men of Soul Heart. A lot of their men go flying.

"Iron dragon longsword" Gajeel yells as he swings at the men. The men are knocked back by the giant blade. Wendy was about to unleash another attack.

"I would reconsider your attacks" a woman on top of the cage says. She puts magic into the cage and it shocks King. "As long as he is in this cage we have him" the woman says.

"Fire Dragon roar" Natsu yells. The attack consumes the cage and the woman is knocked off.

"Who hired you?" Wendy yells as she primes an attack. The woman stands up.

"Your worst nightmare" the woman says. Wendy is about to let her attack go when a blast comes from the sky. It shoots through the woman. "Ahhh, why sir" she asks.

"Cause I have had enough of your playing" Romeo says. "I'll be taking him," he says as he lands on the cage.

"No you won't" Wendy yells.

"Fire Dragon roar," "sky Dragon roar," "iron Dragon roar," "lightning Dragon roar" all the dragon slayers yell in unison.

The attacks become one and hit Romeo. A plume of smoke surrounded the area.

"Gonna have to do better than that to beat me" Romeo yells. The cloud of smoke clears and Romeo didn't have a scratch on him. His shirt was torn and the dragon charm was visible. "My turn" he says.

"Get out of the way," King yells.

"King Dragon roar," Romeo yells. The blast rips the ground up. The dust settles and there is a large hole in the ground where the blast hit. "Now you see my power" he yells as he laughs maniacally.

"I have had enough out of you" King yells as he cuts his way out of the cage with the dragon arm he has.

"So the man has become a beast," Romeo says. He suddenly gets a sharp pain in his head and flies away. "What are you doing I'm taking my revenge" Romeo yells as the charm takes control of his body.

"You are up against an experienced King Dragon slayer, his power trumps yours in every way" the voice of the charm says.

"Why did he fly away?" Wendy asks.

"I don't know, but we have to hurry to the next charm, cause he has the king Dragon slayer charm" King says.

"Does anyone sence their charm" Wendy asks.

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