Chapter 4: The Core of the Volcano

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"Hey pyro, how much further we have been walking on this mountain forever" Gajeel asks.

"We will get there soon, keep climbing," Natsu says. They all are climbing up Mount Taka Bay. The sister mountain to mount Haka Bay. This mountain was quite a bit further away from Magnolia.

"It's even colder up here" Wendy says as she shivers. King picks her up and puts her on his back.

"Here" King says as he heats himself up.

"Thank you King" Wendy says as they continue. Wendy played with King's spiky hair and laughed and smiled as he would move his head away when she got to a spot. Wendy laid her head on his shoulder and felt herself drift to sleep. After a minute or two Wendy started snoring.

"Dang, King, I know you love her but how do you sleep at night?" Laxus asks.

"Yea the kid may be small but she can saw logs with the best of them" Gajeel says.

"I find it cute, and it's something I can tease her about," King says with a chuckle. Memories of the past flood King's mind.

Flash back

"Come on King I don't snore" Wendy says poking her lip out and pouting. King knew what she was trying to do. She always did that when she was trying to win one of their silly arguments. She wouldn't win this time.

"Wendy, I have complaints from the neighbors, cause of the noise," King says with a smirk as he pulls out the papers.

"Let me see those," Wendy says as she reaches for the papers. King raises them in his hand well above Wendy's reach. Wendy starts jumping and trying to reach them. "King please," Wendy says.

"Admit you snore and you can have them," King says.

"Fine I snore a little" Wendy says as she crosses her arms and pouts again.

"A little?" King says as he raises an eyebrow.

"Ugg, fine I snore like a wild boar" Wendy says, "You, happy now."

"Yes" King says as he lowers the papers. Wendy snatches them from him. They were blank. King burst out in laughter.

"That's unfair," Wendy says as she turns away from him and starts to cry. King stops laughing and gets up.

"I'm sorry Wendy I didn't mean to make you cry" King says as he puts his hand on her shoulder. Wendy started laughing.

"Got you" Wendy says as she turns around to reveal a smile.

"That was dirty Wendy," King says.

"I'm sorry" Wendy says as she puts her pouty face on.

"I couldn't stay mad at my crazy little sky dragon," King says as he hugs her.

"I love you my king," Wendy says.

Present time

King lets out a chuckle of laughter as he reminisces on the past.

"Hey King, what's so funny?" Laxus asks.

"Just reminiscing on the past," King says.

"I hate to interrupt your happy memories but we are here" Natsu says as he gets to the top of the mountain. They all see the top is a crater.

"Wendy, it's time to wake up" King says as he nugges her awake.

"It's a volcano," Laxus says as they peer into the crater to reveal that it was full of magma. The liquid rock boiled and bubbles popped, springing up heat.

"Where is the charm Natsu?" King asks.

"There," Natsu says as he points into the volcano. In the middle was a makeshift pedestal with a Dragon charm placed neatly on it. The sword glowed red from the heat.

"How is it not melted?" Wendy asks as she backs away from the crater because of the heat. Everyone but King and Natsu backed away from the top.

"We need to hurry, it's gonna erupt soon" King says. "Since me and Natsu are more equipped for the heat, we will go in after it," he says. They give no one time to argue and jump in.

"They will be okay right?" Wendy asks.

"King wouldn't take on something he couldn't handle," Gajeel says as they sit and wait. A blast of white flame comes out of nowhere and hits the group waiting. They fly apart and hit the rocks knocking them out.

"Easier than I thought, at least you could have made it fun" Romeo says as he flies down to the knocked out group. He picks up Wendy and carries her to the mouth of the volcano. "Give me the charm or I will drop her," He says.

"How dare you touch her," King yells. Natsu and him were on a small island in the middle of the volcano. King tries to make thrusters with his hands to fly up to him, but the heat of the volcano made it impossible to fly by fire.

"Give me the charm or I will drop her into the burning magma" Romeo says again.

"Put her down and come and get it," Natsu yells, holding up the charm.

"I will hold on to her till I get there," Romeo says as he starts to lower into the volcano.

"No she can't handle the heat" King yells as Romeo continues down towards them.Romeo floats a few feet above them now.

"Now throw me the charm and you can have her" Romeo says as he holds his hand out. Natsu throws it to him.

"Now give her to me," King says.

"No, she will burn," Romeo says as he tosses Wendy towards the magma. King dives after her. They hit the magma and sink in. Wendy woke up when they were under. She didn't feel heat at all though. She looked around to see she was encased in King's fire.

"No Wendy, King" Natsu yells as they both sink into the magma. "You'll pay for that" he yells as he charges up a blast. An inhuman roar comes from the magma and a black figure flies out. It was carrying Wendy's unconscious body.

"No, I thought King killed him," Natsu says as the figure comes into full view. It was the black Dragon. The beast let out another roar and kicked Romeo. Romeo's limp body flew for miles before it disappeared over the horizon. The black Dragon flew out of the volcano and landed on the top. It dropped Wendy.

"How is he back?" Laxus asks as he charges up an attack.

"Fire Dragon brilliant flame" Natsu yells as he leaps out of the crater he lets go of the attack. The group continues to attack the dragon. It bats every attack away easily. Wendy wakes up and stands up.

"Wendy get away from there" Laxus yells as he charges up an attack.

"No guys stop" Wendy yells as she runs out in front of the dragon.

"Wendy, what are you doing?" Natsu asks. All three stop their attacks.

"Come back to me," Wendy says as she turns around to face the dragon. She extends her hand to the giant beast. The beast lowers its head till it touches her hand. The dragon's body glows white and starts to transform. After about a minute it turns into a humanoid form. The form falls into Wendy's arms unconscious and the light goes away.

"King was that dragon," Natsu yells in surprise.

"Yea I don't know how though" Wendy says holding King's limp body up. "Lets get him back to the guild" she says as she starts to drag him back.

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