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"Would you stop zoning out? We are discussing important matters." Rhys exclaims to his sister. Alira's face vacant, her blue eyes glazed as she blanks her brother & his words.

I shift my feet, glancing to Cassian who appears as confused as Rhys, however much less agitated.

"Alira! We don't have time-" Rhys starts. However, he is cut off as Alira's eyes dart to somewhere deeper in the misty forest. In the same moment, my shadows whisp coldly.

"We need to go." I state, my voice cold & calm. I stare firmly at Rhys & Cassian, who both turn to each other, nodding in agreement. Without another word, Rhys, Cassian & Alira shoot skyward, Illyrian wings flaring, commencing the return to Velaris.

Cool air beckons me from the forest, as if the cold run of my shadows want me to venture further. I turn the gold dime entrusted to me by Rhys in my fingers, as I scan through the trees. The familiar warmth of my power roils through me as my blue siphons gleam in the dusky light.

Remaining as quiet as the ghosts that stand around me, seeping deeper into the forest, I recall the whispers of my shadows.

One dime would be all it took.

Deeper into the forest I spy the opening, seven rings etched into the forest floor, all making one larger circle.

Burden the wrong ring & unsettle the spirits that lie dormant.

Burden the right ring & the spirits will never exist to torment again.

I come to a stop at the edge of the circle. My eyes lacing through each ring, where lies the faint gold glow, reminiscent of a dying flame. Or reminiscent of dying souls.

I flip the dime in my fingers once more before lifting it to my eye line. Stamped on the gold lay the seven-point star of the Night Court.

Scanning the seven rings once more, I suck in a breath of cold air. Just as, I hear the snap of twigs not far from the clearing. My shadows stand on alert as discomfort prickles the back of my neck. I turn around as I am met with the eerie black air that follows only one creature within the Fae world.

Rhys wanted this plan complete, to settle the spirits that lay.

Leave. My shadows whisper.

The black fog drifts closer, unknowingly, stealthily.

My heart rate picks up an itch, as my siphons gleam stronger, piercing through the black fog that has encapsulated the clearing.

As if like a hand, a whisp of black snakes around my arm.

I stand as still as death, as my shadows dissipate from around me. Of no help to me, with the threat that crowds the clearing.

A faint hiss sounds from around. Pressure builds around my hand which holds the dime.

I frown in mild confusion, looking down, I see the black fog gleam slightly. Like sweat. I yank my hand away.

But I am not quick enough.

My hand is pried open as the gold dime floats through the air.

I feel pressure building from around my ankle. Looking down, I see the fog encasing my legs.

I must go. My heart beats louder & faster.

Recalling our discussion before Alira went vacant, Rhys emphasised the need to leave before things get deadly. And by the way the black fog encapsulates my legs, I know I am on the verge.

Flaring my wings, preparing to launch skyward, I look to the rings, which now glow a vibrant, near fiery gold. The hissing sounds grows in my ears. My eyes burn as I furrow my brows in annoyance. At myself. How could I fail this easily.

Pushing off the ground, I escape the claustrophobic clearing. The evening sky greets me. And so do the familiar whispers of my shadows.

A Court of Ravens and ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now