Training or Imprisonment?

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Percy's POV

I woke up in a room brighter than I had ever seen before. Everything was golden, from the walls to the floor to the beds themselves.

It took my brain about 5 seconds to realize where i was.

"Sup Cuz, it took long enough for you to wake up" Said the god of the sun as he appeared with a glass of nectar.

"What happened, and how long was I out" I asked. My memory felt fuzzy, last I remembered was slicing and dicing through monsters.

"Well for starters, you decided to leave the ceremony and took on 100-something monsters by yourself" He said with an eyebrow raised as he applied some bandages to my ribs.

"Oh yeah, I needed to let my emotions out somewhere" I said

"Right now I would advise you not to do something stupid like that again. Right now you are transitioning from being a half-blood to a god, I'm guessing my sister also explained the whole your powers are still adjusting thing" He said

I managed to recall the whole talk with Artemis, then realized how exactly I ended up here

I nodded.

"I would personally suggest to stay here on Olympus where it is safe and train for the meanwhile, and learn to meditate with your domains, you got some very powerful ones" he said as he stitched up the last cut above my eyebrow.

"Right, well ill be off, see you around Apollo" I said.

For the next few hours, I went to the training grounds in Olympus. I blitzed through the dummy's for hours, practicing and polishing all the techniques I knew.

Since I was made an Olympian god, I was designated my own palace in Olympus. I was told one of the next few days an architect was going to come and talk about my preferences and how I wanted the palace to resemble.

For the meantime, I was allowed to reside in my fathers palace, as he rarely used it due to him being in Atlantis all the time.

As I finished training, I took a shower, and decided to put some fresh clothes on. After a while, I decided to walk to all the restaurants made when I heard a flash of thunder.

"Council Meeting" I muttered to myself as I began to walk to the throne room.

How lame, I know gods could flash to wherever they wanted, but due to my stupid conundrum, I couldn't do anything but wield a sword essentially. Even mist travel seemed so foreign to me now.

It took me 15 minutes to reach the throne room.

"How great for you to join us so early Perseus" Zeus said in a sarcastic tone.

"Very Funny" I muttered as I rolled my eyes. A few gods chuckled at my misfortune.

I sat on my throne for the first time, and motioned for the council to continue.

"As we were saying, the topic of todays council is your training Perseus"  Zeus continued.

"To make it fair, I have decided to conjure a set of 14 random straws to decide who will train Perseus" Zeus said as he summoned the straws.

I stepped forward as instructed and ruffled my hand through the straws.

After 10 seconds, I picked a straw and read it.

"You have got to be kidding me" I muttered underneath my breath.

"Who is it son" My dad asked voicing the question everyone in the room had.

I displayed the straw high in the air.

It read "ARTEMIS" in silver.

Silence ensued in the throne room.

"I mean, wow" Hades said awkwardly breaking the silence. It was sort of hilarious, I mean he was such an odd man out compared to everyone else.

"Father, as much as I respect Perseus, is it really wise for a man of all people to be trained by me" Artemis asked.

"I also have to take care of the hunt, we have tasks to do as well" She continued.

"I will not have my son reside in that camp" Poseidon boomed.

"Peace brother" Zeus said.

"As undesirable as the situation is, I do think Artemis is the best godly teacher for Perseus. She can teach and help him connect with his domains while he can assist the hunt in all their quests and journeys" Athena said.

"And what makes you think the hunt needs any help" Artemis asked raising an eyebrow.

"Sister, your hunt has endured two wars, your numbers are down like anyone else. Monster activity has been unpredictable, it would not hurt to have another presence as powerful as Perseus" Athena said.

I contemplated this, I mean i do get to see Thalia after a while, but I would be lying if i didn't say I was freaked out. The hunters were notorious man haters, and their patron especially was a known for her distaste in men, some of her stories so cruel it made me shudder.

Artemis let Athena's words seep in.

"If its any man, I would have smited him by now. But Perseus has earned my respect, but don't think I'll have it easy on you. You will endure the rigour that every hunter of mine endures. I will push you beyond your limits" Artemis said as she looked at me with a hardened stare.

"Wouldn't have it any other way" I challenged that stare, making her look at me me more sharply.

"Well in the case it's decided. Tomorrow your training begins" Zeus said as he flashed out.

All gods flashed out one by one Some gave me sorrowful looks, some just wished me luck.

After everyone flashed out, the only two deities left in the room were Artemis and I.

I could sense hostility in her aura, presumably from being slightly blindsided by the council.

She handed me a piece of paper with some coordinates on it.

"This is where camp is situated, be here before sunrise tomorrow, and be ready to go through hell and back, because trust me demigod I don't get my fierce reputation for nothing" She said with a slight evil glint in her eyes and she flashed away"

"Oh why are the fates so cruel, have i not done enough" I said to no one in particular.

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