AU #3: Oh shit, are we in love?

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A/N: Couldn't sleep. So... here you go. Another short one.


Michelle is an idiot.

A moronic dumbbell.

A dumb dummy.

A dimwitted ignoramus.

A boneheaded cretin.

Catch the drift?

Michelle is a dumbass and probably the most oblivious person currently alive.

Because how could she not know?

How the fuck does she miss something like this?

In what world does someone actually fuck up so epically and so stupidly?

How did Michelle not know she was dating Anntonia??


It all came to light during her birthday party—it was a surprise party organized by Anntonia herself.

It was a great party. Anntonia had managed to gather all of the important people in Michelle's life. Michelle's parents were present, her siblings, some of her titos and titas, her closest friends, and her varsity buddies and college mates.

It had started early afternoon.

It was almost midnight now, and the older generation has long since left the party.

That left Michelle, Anntonia, and all their friends—most of them already tipsy, some even passed out on the floor.

Michelle and Anntonia were sat side by side on the couch, Michelle's arm around Anntonia's shoulder as they conversed and laughed along with their friends.

Anntonia was holding on to Michelle's hand that's around her shoulder, her fingers intertwined with the girl's.

Both of them were in a happy flirty state of drunk. They were already normally touchy and clingy with each other, but in their drunk state, they were even more clingy and very very touchy with each other.


Everyone chanted as Anntonia licked some salt from her free hand and then immediately downed another shot of tequila.

Michelle held on to the wedge of lime as Anntonia sucked on it, laughing loudly as the juice oozed down her wrist. But boy, she wasn't ready for what the girl did next. 

Anntonia drunkenly licked the citrus trail.

Everyone catcalled as they watched that.

"Fuck yeah!! Lick that, Ann!!"

Egged on by their friends, Anntonia licked back up Michelle's wrist to her palm, then ending the trail with a playful bite and suck on Michelle's thumb.

Everybody lost their shit at that action.


Anntonia was laughing along while Michelle sat there dumbfounded and dazed by it all—her arms hang limply on her sides as Anntonia momentarily separated from her.

The birthday girl was outwardly smirking as she watched Anntonia exchange high fives with their friends, but on the inside, she was absolutely losing her shit, too.

She has always had the biggest crush on Anntonia, and it was shameful but the feel of Anntonia's tongue on her skin, her thumb, had been the subject of her dreams once or twice—or multiple times.

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