AU #6: Charmolypi

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A/N: Charmolypi—a Greek word; a mixed feeling of joy while being sad; joyful mourning, sweet sorrow. This is inspired by The Tortured Poets Department, of course. Main songs, if you want to listen while you read: Guilty as Sin?, Down Bad, loml, Fortnight. That said, read on. 😬


Plain white walls.

Barred thick windows.

A single bed on one corner, emptiness on the other.

In the middle of it, there stood a lone figure.

She stood facing the window, eyes closed as she basked under the warmth of sun's rays illuminating the bleak room. Her arms wrapped around herself, as if trying to capture the warmth.


The girl turned towards the voice, a wide smile breaking out at the welcome guest. "Ann...You're back?"

"Of course," the newcomer answered, smiling wistfully, "I promised you, didn't I? I'll never leave you."

Michelle smiled once more, holding out her hand.

Anntonia walked closer, taking her hand and squeezing in reassurance before then pulling her in a tight embrace. "I missed you, Mich."

"I missed you, too."

"How about I take you for a walk to the gardens, huh?"

Michelle grinned, nodding once.

With hands intertwined, Anntonia led the two of them out the door, being met almost immediately by a female orderly all dressed in white pressed uniform.

"Hey, where are you going?" she asked with a friendly smile.

Anntonia smiled back, "Oh hi, Alison. I'm just taking Michelle out in the gardens. Is that okay?"

"Alright," the woman nodded. "But don't stray too far, okay?"

"Of course."

With one last nod, Alison watched as her charge walked away. She looked on in pity, very well aware of the their tragic story—everyone knew it, of course.

Michelle and Anntonia were long time best friends, who were so in love. But Anntonia came from a very influential family, and she was forced to be in a relationship she never wanted—to Irfan, the son of her father's dear friend.

But Irfan was abusive. He would beat Anntonia, and when Michelle found out, the girl had lost it. She had gotten into a fight with Irfan, beating him up with all the aggression she felt in that moment.

And just as she and Anntonia were leaving, Irfan had pulled out a gun. He took a shot, but luckily only hitting Anntonia's arm.

But of course, a red haze clouded Michelle the moment she heard the gunshot followed by Anntonia screaming.

Michelle pounced back on Irfan and fought to grab the gun from him—the outcome of that altercation ultimately changing their lives forever.

Michelle had killed Irfan with a single shot to the heart.

And everyone knew she didn't regret it one bit.

The rest was tragedy.

Alison exchanged pitiful glances with her colleague, who was also looking on at their patient with a sad expression.


Anntonia watched, smiling as Michelle traced hearts over the tattooed word 'mine' on Anntonia's forearm.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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