AU #2: April Fools'

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A/N: I haven't forgotten about Fated. That AU's still stuck in the block, I'm afraid. But I'll get to it at some point. Lol. For now, here's your best friends to lovers trope. Just a short one, a little exercise for my brain. And yes, it's still April 1 here, so still counts. 😬


It was supposed to be a prank.

It was simple—make their families believe they're dating and then shout 'SIKE!' when everything was said and done.

It was straightforward—act like a couple and make it believable.

It was supposed to be a joke—a memory that they'd be laughing over when they're old and grey.

But it turns out, the joke's on them.


Michelle and Anntonia were childhood best friends. Two inseparable peas in a pod. Two idiots sharing a single brain cell—though most of the time, Anntonia was the one carrying that brain cell.

That was probably the only thing they shared, because their personalities couldn't be more opposite.

Michelle was nonchalant, while Anntonia was overacting.

Michelle was ultimately chill and laidback, while Anntonia was a golden retriever personified and was hyper most times.

Michelle was water and coolness, while Anntonia was fire and sunshine.

Michelle was a dumbass, while Anntonia was a smartass.

Michelle was the one that gets them in trouble, while Anntonia gets them out of it.

—which is why Anntonia was adamantly against Michelle's idea of a prank when she first suggested it.


"Come on, Annie! It'll be so much fun!" Michelle coaxed Anntonia as she casually lounged on their dorm couch.

"You do realize how disastrous this would be, Mich—you think my Dad would let you off just because you're my best friend? He'd skin you alive like all my other exes!" Anntonia walked back from the kitchen as she said this, standing by Michelle's head and tapping it in a silent gesture.

As if on cue, Michelle leaned forward, just enough for Anntonia to plop herself down on the couch and letting Michelle's head lay back on her lap.

"Oh please, Papa M loves me!" Michelle smugly said. "Besides, you think you'd get the easier end of the stick?? My mother would eat you alive, too—just like she did with all my exes!"

Anntonia scoffed. "Excuse you! Mamita loves me, even more than you!" she answered, her fingers absentmindedly carding through Michelle's short locks. "Besides... your exes were all bimbos, they deserved the verbal beatings of your Mom."


Anntonia chuckled at Michelle's offended expression. "You know it's true, Michie."

Michelle just huffed.

Silence befell them for a few minutes, a comfortable silence that's usual for the best friends.

"So you wanna do it?" Michelle asked again, a mischievous glint still in her eyes.

Anntonia stared down at her. "And you really wanna do it during our monthly family day?"

Michelle shrugged, "It just conveniently falls on April Fools' Day—it's calling for this prank."

Anntonia pursed her lips in thought... and eventually, she caved—as she usually does with Michelle. "Fine."

"Yes!!!" Michelle whooped in glee. "It's gonna be so epic!! We'll look back on that day when we're old grandmas and be laughing our asses off."

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