AU #4: Patience? Patient!

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A/N: Hey, kai... I guess you didn't jinx this one. Lol. 😅😉


Anntonia has been a nurse for a long time now. And throughout her years of service, she's encountered so many different types of people.

There's that old grandpa who was a war veteran—adorable and wistfully wise during the day, then when the sun comes down, it was like a literal war. Like damn, Anntonia wants to raise a white flag every time that happens.

Then, there's that sweet old cat lady—oh so sweet, and then you make the mistake to move her stuff and she's suddenly a dragon lady.

There's that uncle who pees everywhere, or makes a masterpiece out of his own poop.

There's that auntie who will randomly try to match you up with her nephew or son.

There are confused ones, the wanderers and preachers.

There are also the whiners and the unsatisfied pricks.

There are also Karens of all types, also Chads and Brads.

There are also the entitled ones, the privileged relatives of the hospital executives and higher-ups.

So many types of patients—name it, Anntonia's encountered them all, and usually, she manages quite well.

But there's one type of patient that truly gets on her nerves.

The younger ones who flirts.

Anntonia always want to protest when she gets assigned those patients close to her age, because more than likely, they will flirt with her. And by the end of her shift, she's so fed up, she almost wants to quit.

Luckily, she hadn't had those in a while.

...until one Michelle Dee arrived in their unit.

Oh boy, she was a handful.


Anntonia was finishing up her last medication pass, when her Charge Nurse told her about taking an admit.

"She's pretty easy, from PACU," her Charge, Brit, had said. "Michelle Dee. A motorcycle accident, has a left femur fracture, post ORIF surgery. Minor fracture on left ulna. Here for pain management and prophylactic antibiotics. They said her pain's mostly controlled now."

"Sounds good," Anntonia nodded. "Sure, I can take her."

With a smile and nod from Brit, Anntonia went ahead to prepare the room the patient was going to. Unfortunately, the room was the farthest from her nurse station because it was the only room available, but Anntonia had no qualms about it.

After all, they said the patient's pain was controlled, right?

It's gonna be an easy night.

...or so she thought.

It all started with receiving report from the PACU nurse.

Unfortunately, she's receiving report from one of her most unserious friends, Nalin.

"She's so lovely," her friend had said. "And she's hot."

Anntonia frowned at that, because seriously!!

She rolled her eyes at the chaotic PACU nurse, "Are you for real, Nalin??"

Nalin laughed out loud from the other side of the call. "You'll see, Ann."

"Whatever. Anything else I need to know?"

"Hmm... I don't think so," Nalin replied.

"Okay, bring her up."

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