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Loud music filled Kendra's ears as they entered Nicole's stuffy house, where the smell of alcohol and marijuana was very strong

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Loud music filled Kendra's ears as they entered Nicole's stuffy house, where the smell of alcohol and marijuana was very strong.  Kendra quickly assessed the entire environment and people and decided that she could enjoy herself in peace, as no presence would end her night.

-Kendra, Weza, you came!

-Hi Nicole.  You look beautiful.- Weza assured, softening the brunette who came towards them.

-I?  Look at you!  -Nicole exclaimed, her eyes going to Félix.- You're perfect too, Kendra.  I loved your flower tiara.

-Oh thanks.  -Thanked Kendra, who even the simple compliment wasn't very comfortable with the accessory.

-Come on, let's go find Gigi.-The two girls began to be pulled away from Taylor and Cameron by Nicole, who quickly joined them with the debutantes once again.-Guys, look who's here.

-The birthday girl!

-Happy birthday.  -They all wanted one over the other.  Kendra knew that the focus at that moment was Weza, so she crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.

-Thanks girls.  This is for me?  She-she asked, seeing the brunette light a '16' candle on a decorated pink cake.

-Who else would it be for, Weza?  - Nicole joked.

-Gee, thank you.- Weza thanked.-These cakes are wonderful.

-Okay, Weza, make a request.

-Okay.- The birthday girl blew out the candle and closed her eyes to make her wish.  Kendra started clapping along with the others, wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible.

-Ah, Kendra, where is Enzo?-Gigi asked the brunette, making her quickly move away from the wall.

-Near the drinks table.  He's on the couch talking to a girl.-Kendra replied, gesturing with her hands.

-Who's thirsty?- Gigi raised her glass in the air.

-You, clearly.

-You, clearly

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- You there .  -Kendra, who was getting a drink for herself, was briefly startled when a male voice greeted her.  The brunette looked up and found an unknown red-haired boy, who was also helping himself to a drink.

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