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After a session of betting and stupid games on the beach involving all the teenagers, Félix lived on her beloved pier, with the company of Weza, Nicole and Shayla

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After a session of betting and stupid games on the beach involving all the teenagers, Félix lived on her beloved pier, with the company of Weza, Nicole and Shayla.

She tried to focus as much as possible on the conversation, so as not to think again about the intimate moment she experienced with Eduardo there.

-I don't understand João.-The brunette admitted.- Because there are times when he doesn't get off me.  He sleeps at home, but we don't even have sex, right?  And this morning he was really into me, really into me.  And now he is there.

-Yeah, Nick, but that's part of who he is.  There are times when even I don't understand João. - Kendra said, fiddling with her earrings from time to time.

-Do you really think he likes me?  -Nicole asked Kendra and Weza, who looked at each other quickly.

- I think so, for sure.  I mean... he talks about you a lot.  -Weza said.

-Really?- Nicole asked, Kendra nodding.

-Hey.  You need to hydrate.  -Cam arrived with a bottle of water, settling down next to Weza.

-Cam Cameron, you're so cute.  Isn't he cute?  -Weza smiled, squeezing the boy's cheeks.

-Do you want to walk on the beach?- Cameron asked.

-By the way, Weza, I loved your dress.-Shayla praised her.

-Oh thanks.  Taylor gave it to me.  -Weza admitted, making Kendra tense.  Weza was drunk and she could cause a disturbance if she opened her mouth too much.

-Taylor has good taste.  -The Asian woman said.- Kendra, your clothes are also beautiful.

-Thanks, Shayla.- Félix thanked her, turning a little red with the compliment.

-So it is!  In fact... you know what?  You and Taylor are like twins.- Weza stated, laughing uncontrollably.  Kendra became more tense and breathed slowly, scared to think that Weza would snitch on her brother.  -Because you two are mega-stylish and you are both crazy.  And you two have a thing with the same boy, it's kind of...

-Really?- Kendra noticed the confused and stunned expression on Shayla's face.

-Oh my days, Weza.  - Kendra scolded in Weza's ear.  -Cam, take her for a walk.

-Come on, let's go for a walk.

-No, Cam!  I'm talking, one second.  - Weza asked. - Look, Shayla, seriously, relax because my brother is an idiot and they didn't have anything serious.

-Let's go.  -Cameron said.

-Wait a minute, what do you mean it wasn't anything serious?

-They're making out.  It was nothing, he loves you very much.  -Weza guaranteed, while Kendra got up to follow them, thinking about what this would do.  — Kay, I think my brother is in love with you!  Be careful, Shayla!

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