Part 8

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"Why would you both chose heels for a hospital?" Olaf rolls his eyes as we walk round the hallways, "I just think its a mental choice. How are you going to do anything useful?"
"I'm not," I shrug, "Focus on your own issues, Doctor Medical School. By the way, the name is pathetic."
Olaf glares at me, and mum strokes her hand through my hair. Lately, she's been doing it every time Olaf and I are against each other, which is a lot. The hench people race after us, scurrying along like rats. Olaf snaps, "The orphan brats will be in the library of records. They're drawn to them like rats to cheese."
"You shouldn't do tha-"
"The sugar bowl might be there too. It is very important to me, Olaf," Mum gasps. I roll my eyes and Olaf seems to agree. Mum continues, "Beatrice stole it from me, and I want to steal it back. If I don't get it, I don't even know what I'll do!"
"She's scary," The man with hook hands says. I nod. Mum really is terrifying. She hisses something, leaning close to Olaf. Then, I realise we are at the library of records, so we wait outside while Olaf goes in. I lean against the wall, rubbing my ankle and groaning. I honestly do not know why we chose heels. Olaf was, surprisingly, right. I gasp as the door swings open, and Olaf snaps, "He's obviously hiding something. Them. He couldn't even look me in the eye."
"They're getting their orphany hands over my sugar bowl," Mum cries, "Leilani is the only child who isn't orphany that I would let touch it. God, I hate those orphans."
I bite my tongue, sighing as we continue walking. Olaf spends so much time walking round and making us follow him, that we could be a tour guide. With his poor acting skills, he would never be able to get anywhere. Olaf grabs the closest crow bar, and begins smashing out the lights over our heads as we walk. Then, he snaps, "It's showtime. We're going to terrify Babs to the point of death."
Mum pulls me into the first available room, where Olaf finalises the plans with his troupe. I sit on the hospital bed, while mum leans against the wall, peeling the nail polish off her nails. She bows her head, and once Olaf is gone, I sigh, "Mum, I'm sorry your boyfriend is a-"
"No," Mum puts her hand up to stop me talking, "Olaf isn't a bad person. I love him, Leilani Gigi, and he loves me too. He is just struggling because he lost the orphans. Again. Anyway, Babs is going to be out of our beautifully done hair now, so lets make our way to the office?"
I shrug, allowing mum to hold my hand and lead me round. Then, she smirks, saying, "You go ahead, I'll meet you there."
I nod, walking miserably to the office, where I'm met by everyone. Olaf smirks, as Bab's whispers, "Hello. I am here to announce my extremely early and quick retirement. My replacement begins immediately."
Mum drags Bab's chair away, and smiles as Olaf says, "Thank you Babs. However, we will be conducting checks of every single hospital room. Unfortunately, there are murderers about, and nobody wants to be murdered to death in their sleep."
Olaf commands his hench people out the room, and mum sinks into a chair. I sit next to her, and groan, looking up at the tvs that show the security camera. Angrily, mum gets off her chair and sighs as she slams the door shut. Olaf looks at me, then at the door, and then back at me. He raises his eyebrows and I shrug, which seems to be the most civil conversation we've had so far. I watch as he flicks between the cameras. I sink onto the floor, until mum comes back, holding a cup of something. She says, "I couldn't find any parsley soda, Leilani, but the sign said this thing was called cow-fee."
"Coffee?" I ask as I take a deep sip of the cup. Mum snaps, "Don't you dare try yelling at me Olaf. You do not pay me, so you cannot yell at me. I'm leaving, and I'm going to find the sugar bowl. Leilani Gigi, darling, stay here. And Olaf, I have done so much for you, and my nails are chipped and I didn't like the colour to begin with. I'll be back soon."
Olaf looks at me angrily as mum leaves, and I snap, "Don't look at me like that, I've not done anything."
"That's the problem with youth today," Olaf turns to his hench people, "They either do nothing, or too much."
I cross my arms over my chest, and Olaf sighs, "But you... aren't the worst. I... I guess you are better than the tall orphan."
Olaf grimaces at me, and I smile slightly. The hench person of no immediate gender sighs, "She really isn't that bad. Let her make an announcement, you can see she wants to."
I sit upright, and wheel my chair over to the desk, moving Olaf out the way. Olaf scribbles a script for me, and I read, "Bed searches will continue until the murderers have been found. Also, if you have any valuables, take them to the head of human resources office for safe keeping. Thank you, and have a night."
I click the announcement thing off, and Olaf asks, "Have a night?"
Slowly, I hand over the paper, and Olaf curses. He snaps, "That clearly says, have a good night, not have a night."
"No," I snatch the paper, "That says have a god night, which is a weird thing to say. That's why I skipped it, obviously. How stupid are you?"
"Says the girl who can't use clear clues to figure stuff out," Olaf hisses.
"Says that man who can't even keep one set of orphans locked up in a statue," I snap.
"Says the girl who can't even make a cup of tea."
"Says the man who can't even get my mum a sugar bowl."
"Says the girl who wouldn't know working hard if it slapped them in the face."
"Says the man who is looking for orphans while he can't even look after one child."
"Says the girl who can't start a fire."
"Says the people who wont shut up." Mum snaps, grabbing Violet at the door. Olaf looks up, and smirks, saying, "What was that about not having orphans?"

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