Part 13

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"Mum," I beg, "Please don't do this."
"Leilani, you're acting like a little girl," Mum looks at me, stroking my face, "It'll be over so quickly. I promise you will always be my star, my little girl, my baby, but right now we can't wait for this. Just stay here and watch."
I stare in horror as Olaf announces, "I think this may be the most interesting day of your lives. Welcome to the finale. I am your ring master, Count Olaf, but a different one than the one you read in the paper, because he is dead. Now, in this pit are two starving lions, and here are five delicious freaks."
I stop listening, zoning out. Mum put me in a matching dress as her yet again, and I fold my arms over my chest. Its freezing in this tent, and I'm honestly fuming again. I watch as Madame Lulu hands Olaf a box. He picks a piece of paper and asks, "Any questions?"
"Why do you get to pick the name?" A man asks. Olaf shrugs, and a little boy asks, "Is this legal?"
"Don't spoilt my fun," Olaf says, while shrugging again. Olaf begins unfolding the paper, making a huge deal out of it. I hold my breath as he reads it, and watch as he smirks. He booms, "The freak is... going to be revealed after I unfold this... It is... ladies and gentlemen... Beverly and Elliot, step on up!"
A round of applause explodes in the audience, and I freeze as Beverly, Violet leads Klaus. It's obvious Beverly is leading, since she is going first. Or at least, her side of the body is. I peer at the lions, and gasp as Chabo, Sunny cries. Slowly, I stop listening, and I kneel down to Sunny. Sunny growls and I whisper, "Sunny, darling, please look at me and don't growl. It will be okay. I promise you will be okay, and so will your siblings."
I stand back up and look at mum, who has been staring at Olaf deeply in love. Mum cries, "Let Lulu throw the child in the pit!"
Madame Lulu walks up to the Badelaires and I sigh. I cover my ears as everyone screams as fights break out. Madame Lulu whispers something, before shoving the Badelaires over the put. I scream as Sunny follows them, and Madame Lulu cries out. Olaf cuts the rope holding the plank, dropping Madame Lulu to her death. I look away, and Mum sprints over to me, covering my face. Once I can, I pull away from mum, who looks paler than usual. I whisper, "She's dead?
Mum nods, smiling. I let her grab my hand, and lead me out of the tent into Madame Lulu's old tent. Olaf smirks, saying, "Hello, freaks. We're burning down the carnival. Do you want to join us, or burn this down?"
"Where are you going?" Klaus asks. Olaf snatches something out his hands, and I look at the paper. It's a map. Olaf gasps, "This is VFD head quarters. Yes, that is where the survivor must be. It seems Madame Lulu gave us once last answer."
I scoff, "Are you serious?"
Olaf looks at me suspiciously, and I just shake my head. He rattles of a demand, and I whisper, "Mum, please let me go to the car."
Mum nods, pushing me out the tent, half not listening. Olaf calls me back, and I roll my eyes. He demands, "Pick the wolf up."
I do so, and Sunny snuggles deeper into my arms. Then, I walk back to the car, with her in my arms. There wont be any extra seats, so I sit her on my lap. She babbles something, and I realise I can kind of understand her. I listen as she babbles something along the lines of hating me, and I sigh, "I hate this situation probably less than you. I'd know nothing about being an orphan. Do you want me to move the dirt off of your face?"
Olaf gets in the car, and I look back at the trailer behind us. It's rickety and I doubt it'll hold up. Sunny nods, and I use a rag to dust her nose. She smiles slightly at me, and I sigh. Mum, sat next to me, groans, "I hate wolf babies. I hate babies, but you were a good baby, Leilani. Never cried, unless you needed something. Tell you what I hate even more? I hate not having a sugar bowl. Olaf, we have nothing, other than a good sense of style."
It doesn't take long for Olaf to sigh, and crackle the radio next to him. He says, "Look out the window, orphans. That's right, I know who you are. I'm not an idiot. Now, your rickety trailer will rickety fall down the rickety cliff side, where you will be rickety impaled."
Sunny begins to cry, and I cradle her as she wails. Mum puts her face against the window, and begs, "Make the baby shut up, Leilani."
"Mum," I sigh, "Tell your boyfriend that I can't believe he decided to take a baby without the proper plan of looking after it."
"Tell your dad I don't care," Mum snaps. I bite my tongue, and mum sighs, "Leilani, I'm sorry, that was rude. I'm struggling here. Tell you what will help? Making the baby look less out."
I'm losing all reason to stay with these people.

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