Part 15

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"The toast is raw," Mum complains, holding up a slice of bread, "Is it safe to eat raw toast?"
Sunny and I exchange a bewildered glance, before Olaf gasps, "Of course it is...n't. The baby is trying to poison us!"
He pulls the table cloth off the table, smashing the food on the floor. Olaf turns to Sunny, and yells, "I WANTED A NICE HOT MEAL. MAYBE IF I THROW YOU OFF OF MOUNT FRAUGHT, YOU'LL EARN YOUR LESSON."
He starts walking to her, and I scoff as Olaf says, "No, I'm kidding! I need your fortune."
Everyone laughs, and I walk over to Sunny picking her up. She leans her head on my chest, and I sigh as Olaf screams. I jump back, and gasp, running over to Mum. A woman with hair and no beard, and a man with a beard and no hair are stood, both with an equally miserable expression.
"Mummy? Daddy?" Olaf gasps. I gawp at them, as Olaf coughs, and says, "My figurative parents... my mentors."
"We were good people to you. You were lost before we recruited you," The woman smirks, "What have you done with your life?"
Olaf looks uncomfortable, and I speak up, saying, "He's an actor. This is his troupe, and there are some carnival freaks running around somewhere."
"Not anymore," the man scoffs. I pause for a second, before continuing, "This is his girlfriend... and I'm... his... daughter."
"Daughter?" Olaf asks, "Oh, yes, daughter!"
Mum takes a step over, her hand outstretched. She says, "My name is Esme-"
"We know who you are," The man rolls his eyes, "How did that work out? With the Quagmires?"
I bite my tongue, walking off and sitting on the car bumper. Sunny looks up at me in confusion, and I mumble, "I know, I know I said I would never call him my dad, but he was in trouble. I feel bad for you guys, and Olaf hasn't been too awful to me. I mean, he loves mum. I did that for mum."
Sunny babbles something along the lines of asking if mum would do that for me, and I freeze. She would. I know she would. I assume she would. Mum yawns, muttering something, and I look over. Olaf looks devastated. Sunny cries out, and I snap, "No. We are not doing this. I have spent the entire time we've been up here looking after you. You can't take her away from me."
"Tell your insolent daughter to give you the baby, Olaf," The woman snaps. Mum looks at me, silently pleading, and I whisper, "Olaf, please. I've spent ages looking after her. Please-"
I feel a a sharp pain across my face, and feel Sunny get taken out my arms. Mum runs to my side, and I look at the woman. She slapped me. I raise my hand to my face, and lean over to mum, who strokes my face gently. I mutter, "What do they want with her?"
Mum shrugs, and I watch as they talk about Sunny. The man snaps, "Fire can solve any problems. For example, we thought that maybe the survivor would be at head quarters, and there aren't any survivors now?"
"You killed them, or didn't find them?" I ask. The woman looks to me, and snaps, "Some people don't learn the lessons. Tell your daughter to be quiet. The place was deserted. Although, I saw the Snicket girl."
"What did you do to her?" Olaf asks. The woman explains how she got away, and Mum whispers, "How is your face?"
"It hurts," I whisper, "Mum, I don't want them here."

Everyone splits up, doing their own things. I walk round sadly, and sit next to Sunny who is trying to start a fire. I sit, not saying anything. Sunny seems to appreciate my company, as she babbles something along the lines of not liking the situation. I shrug, saying, "At last you've got a green cigarette to smoke a salmon. I managed to get a bit of bread earlier."
"No," Sunny babbles, "Siblings."
I smile, getting up and offering to leave her too it. She nods, and I watch Olaf's little show from atop the car. It's surprisingly comfy up here. He's really struggling, but it is kind of sweet how hard he is trying. I clap quietly, but the man and woman stops it. Olaf looks fuming, and the man walks over to Sunny, stomping out the cigarette. I walk over to Sunny, and say, "She didn't mean to do anything. Look at her tiny face. She's a helpless baby."
"No, she is acting," Olaf shakes his head, "I would throw the baby off the mountain, but I need the fortune. The Baudelaire fortune."
"Miss Squalor, Olaf, it's time you learned why we are really on the mountain."
I watch as the man, woman, Count Olaf and Mum walk off. Sunny looks at me, her eyes all sad and I whisper, "No, Sunny, you don't look like a helpless baby. I just told them that to make sure they left you alone. It's nice being able to talk to you."
"You too," Sunny babbles. She smiles at me, and I tilt my head, looking at her. Sunny is a baby who has gone through more than anything a normal grown man goes through, or could even force himself to go through.

Would Olaf count as a mentor? I mean, he has technically been teaching me for the time I've been with him, but not good things. Not all mentors are good. Sure, some of them, most of them are supposed to be, but not all of them. The people have been in the tent for a while, and I listen to the hench people talk. I say, "You know, Sunny, I'm sorry you're in a cage."
Sunny shrugs, and I sigh, "I'm sure your siblings are looking for you. I know if I had a sibling, I would spend all the time I could protecting them. Hey, when you see Violet and Klaus again, tell them... just tell them how I've been with you. I want them to know that I don't have much of a choice in this."
This would never be my choice.

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