Part 11

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"Freaks called Beverly, Elliot and a little baby who I can't remember the name?" I ask, looking round the room in disbelief, "We're supposed to believe that little baby has a wolf for a dad? I'm sorry, this might be insensitive, but how drunk are you all?"
Mum beams at Sunny, who is growling at Violet and Klaus's legs. Sunny snaps at Mum, who quickly pulls her hand away, almost offended. I sigh, and watch the audition unfold. Violet, Beverly, says, "It's very difficult having two heads. Just because we are freaks though, doesn't mean we don't care about fashion."
"Do you have trouble eating?" Olaf asks, "Here, eat this thing of corn you two headed freak."
Olaf hands it over, and I hide my face as they struggle. Everyone in the room laughs, and once I assume they're done, I stop hiding their face. I ask, "What's the baby called?"
"Chabo," Klaus glares at me, and I fake a smile, rolling my eyes. Olaf slurs, "Without this carnival, they'd be on the streets."
"Yes my handsome Olaf," Madame Lulu keeps talking, but mum hisses, "I am fuming. That woman's wig will be ripped off her stupid face. Now, help me get Olaf to the house tent thingy."
I take Olaf's arm over my shoulder, and begin dragging him to the tent we are allowed to stay in. Olaf begs, "Let me walk... You're too tall for a fifteen year old."
"I'm just shorter than you Olaf," I roll my eyes, "Now move."
"I can walk!" Olaf sighs. I let him go, to which he collapses on the floor. Mum asks, "Are you going to help me help him up?"
I pull my jumper tighter, and ask, "What's in it for me?"
Mum groans, "I've got that tracksuit in seven different colours, all in the car. Leilani, we are the same size, we can share our clothes if you help me with Olaf."

The next morning, I miserably listen as Mum and Olaf argue about Madame Lulu. Suddenly, I realise Olaf is making a really, really bad point, so I just shake my head. He nods, and sighs, "Go finish your portrait. I'll go to Lulu."
He leaves the tent, and Mum gets up to look at the portrait. It really isn't that bad, and I raise my eyebrows as Mum says, "Leilani, go to the tent. I am about to lose my mind, and we need to redo this painting. Go check up on the freaks."
I nod, kicking a rock as I walk over to the freak caravan. Violet, Klaus and Sunny might have tricked everyone while they were drunk, but I'm sure everyone will be figuring things out by the time they see them again. I push open the door of the caravan, and say, "Hey freaks. Olaf is in a  bad mood because that fortune teller woman has told him an orphan's parents might be alive, and actually are alive. This means certain orphans. Aren't. Orphans."
"How are you a freak?" The woman sat eating asks me, "Is it because of your eyes?"
I put my hands up to my face, and snap, "What's wrong with my eyes?"
"No, it's because they are really pretty..."
"Showtime is in five," I snap as I leave, slamming the door behind me. Mum runs over to me, and pushes my hair behind my ears. She points me in the direction of the tent, and I look at her, struggling to understand. A whip, or a weird sort of long noodle, sits on her waist and I just shake my head, using the back entrance. It leads me into the backstage sort of area, and I watch as the freaks walk in. One of them is actually pretty attractive, and I honestly don't understand why he is a freak. The first man walks out, and is forced to try on coats. It's actually pretty inhumane, and I feel really bad. The girl walks out, and I grimace as she contorts. I hate contortion, but again, she isn't really a freak. None of them are, and it's really awful to watch. The sort of attractive man walks out, and signs his name with both hands, equally. I tilt my head, not really understand how he is a freak. It's pretty normal to be ambidextrous. The Badelaires groan and I laugh, "Good luck out there, Beverly, Elliot, Chabo."
They all look at me sadly, and I whisper, "It'll be fine. I don't think they actually recognise you if I'm being full-"

They're all dragged out, and Mum laughs, "Aren't they ugly?"
"Mum, I don't think you should... say that while people from the stands can hear you," I whisper. Mum looks at me, her hands on her hips and she asks, "Are you sticking up for them Leilani? I don't know how Olaf would feel-"
"Of course not mum," I shake my head, "Why would I stick up for them? They're freaks after all. I think you should maybe go try stopping... hey Olaf?"
"That was awful!" Olaf stomps his foot as he enters. I look at him, untucking my hair from behind my ears. He snaps, "I didn't give up my career to give shows in empty circuses."
"I thought you gave it up to chase those orphans?" The hook handed man asks. Olaf screams, "THEY'RE NOT ORPHANS, IF ONE OF THEIR PARENTS IS STILL ALIVE!"
We all stop talking, to which Madame Lulu sighs, "My Olaf must have patience."
"I'm tired of patients," Olaf shakes his head, "I want answers and I want adoring fans. I am a force to be feared and obeyed. But what could remind people... I need to run an errand. While I'm gone, I need everyone to dig a very deep ditch."
"My Olaf is leaving?" Madame Lulu asks.
"I'm off to find you a present," Olaf smirks, "Leilani and Esme don't need to dig. After all, my girlfriend shouldn't be forced into this, and neither should... well, what are you?"
"Your illegal responsibility?" I suggest. Olaf clicks his fingers and nods, saying, "Yeah, my girlfriend and my illegal responsibility should be able to relax. Bonjour."
"It's au revivor," Klaus and I mutter in unison. For the first time I think ever, I see Klaus smile sadly at me. It's progress.

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