Part 22

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Mum wails, screaming into a pillow. Carmi and I look at her, unable to do anything. I sit next to mum, stroking her hair. She wails as I say, "Mum, please stop crying. Please? We can still get the sugar bowl-"
"I KNOW!" Mum screams, "BUT WHAT IF WE DON'T GET IT?"
"Why wouldn't we get it?" Carmi asks, taking a step away from the bed. I sigh, "Mum promised that she would do anything to keep us safe. She said that if we both thought something was too dangerous, she would stop it."
Carmi nods, and keeps walking back until she bumps into the wall. A swarm of squawking animals erupts and I scream. Mum sits up, mascara streaming down her face as she gasps, "The sugar bowl! Leilani Gigi! Oh, Leilani, it shouldn't be here yet. Check the window!"
I walk over to the window and peer out. I can't see the birds in the dark, but I can see a weird taxi. Mum asks what's wrong, and I sigh, "I'm going out really quickly."
With that, I take off sprinting, shoving open the door and running down the stairs. The Baudelaires are stood with a familiar looking man. He looks a bit like the Snicket man from the town, but he can't be. Snicket is dead. He... should be dead. I watched his body get taken away. I walk over, whispering, "Violet? Klaus? Sunny? Where is Olaf? Who is this man?"
Violet turns round and hugs me, practically squeezing the air out of me. She pulls away, explaining, "Leilani! This is Lemony Snicket. Lemony, this is Leilani Gigi Squalor."
A voice echoes and I hide behind the taxi. I creep round the bushes, walking round back to the room. I was so close to getting out of here, and now I'm back where I started. Once in the room, I look at mum. She squeals, "Carmelita did it! Come, come, come."
"Mum, we can't," I sigh, "It's dark, and it is late. Mum, I want to go home."
Mum pauses, and reaches her hand to my hair. I pull away, and Carmi walks up to us. She asks, "Why are you being like this, Leilani? Are you... okay?"
I look at Carmi, and then to mum. Mum looks down, and I whisper, "Carmi, go to the other room. I need to talk to mum."

Carmi, for the first time, does what she is told. She walks away, and I snap, "Carmi is a thirteen year old little girl. Mum, we have no right or reason to be here anymore. We can go back to the city, and you can use your money to get away with everything."
"Leilani, I need the sugar bowl," Mum hisses, "I've done so much to get to this point. You and I were supposed to get the sugar bowl and live happily. Blame Olaf for everything that has gone wrong."
"You promised to look after the Baudelaires," I sigh, "Do you regret anything? Anything at all? Or is this all just a game to you."
Mum scoffs, "Leilani Gigi, Carmelita and I are going to go and fix this issue. I have told you, I will give you one choice to try convince me we are in true danger, and if the both of you agree, I will leave. Our lives are not at risk. I feel like ever since we let you look after the little orphan in the car, you've changed."
"Maybe leaving me with a little baby who you wont look after did change me," I snap. Mum sighs, "Leilani, I'll give you time to rest, but until then, don't do anything stupid. I love you. Carmi, come on, we're leaving."
Mum and Carmi leave the room, letting me be alone.

After a few hours, I finally get into a good suit. Pinstripe and pink, and I feel ready. No, that is a complete lie. I feel scared and unprepared, but I put my blindfold on, and struggle into a lift. There are already people in there, and I hear mum demand, "Fourth floor, make it snappy."
Jerome's voice makes me jump, and I gasp as he says, "Hello Esme."
I lift my blindfold off, to see him and Mum mouthing arguments. Mum gives up, and says, "Justice is out, injustice is in. That's why they call it, injustice."
"We're going to make Cake sniffers pay," Carmi beams and Mum laughs, "My daughter, isn't she adorable. After I took our daughter, I realised something was missing in my life. I always wanted two little girls, but you said it was a bad idea. I got what I wanted."
Mum gets out the lift, leaving Jerome and I alone. I put my blindfold back on and whisper, "Hello, dad."
"Leilani Gigi," Dad sighs, "I missed y-"

The doors to the lift ping open, and I sprint through to the lobby. Walking is actually really hard when being blind, but I find a seat and rip my blindfold off. I've managed to accidentally sit next to Carmi, who is still blindfolded, so I put the blindfold back on. The woman says, "You will take the blindfolds off now, but put them back on for the verdict."
Groaning, I take the blindfold off. Carmi rolls her eyes, as she takes them off. The woman at the front, says, "All rise for the high court. Myself, and my esteem judges."
I follow to where everyone is looking and sigh. People, really high up. The high court. This feels a little stupid. Olaf flounces in, as the woman says, "Thanks to people, I have compiled a case called the Complete history of injustice, OR, Odious Lustig After Fortunes. Sadly, I must also submit this harpoon gun which was used to kill a manager of this hotel. Will the authorities wait outside to apprehend any guilty parties who try to escape?"
Olaf rises to his feet, and interrupts, "Speaking of parties, everyone in attendance here is welcome to the afterparty, hosted by me. Any wealthy women are particularly welcome."
Mum stands up, and snaps, "I'm also hosting a party, and fashionably men get a free gift. It'll also have an adorable little girl doing a tap routine, while my other daughter shows her fashionable outfits."
I groan, and realise this this is less of a trial and more of an event. It's time to begin.

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