Chapter 1 ❁'◡'❁

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Author's POV :-

"That's all my lord, now I would like to rest my case." Saying that Ridhi closed the file in her hands and sat back on her place. It was the final hearing of her 1st high profile case. The court room was filled a thick layer of tension. Even though Ridhi knew that there are high chances of her winning this case but anxiety and nervousness could clearly be seen on her face.

After a few moments of silence The Judge declared the decision. To the dismay of the opposite party the decision was in favour of Ridhi. A glint of smile appeared in her eyes but before anyone could see it she masked it.

Congratulating her fellow lawyers she packed up her belongings and turned her heels to leave. She exited the courtroom with a small smile displaying on her face and her head held up with pride.

 She exited the courtroom with a small smile displaying on her face and her head held up with pride

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Soon she was out of the place driving her black beauty.

The only thing she needed after a hectic day was 'COFFEE'

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The only thing she needed after a hectic day was 'COFFEE'. So she stop by a coffee shop to grab some.

Ridhi's POV :-

Quite a few people were present in the cafe. So I didn't have to wait for too long. Grabbing my regular Cappuccino, I turned around to only meet with a wall. I frowned with confusion because the wall was well dressed in a tuxedo (which was now drenched in coffee) and was speaking some foreign language. Suddenly the wall grumbled, it was when realization dawned upon me. It was not a wall rather it was a rock hard chest. I looked up to only see a towering figure, with a chiseled jawline, sharp features and a straight face standing there.


Sorry for the short chapter....

I have too complete my school work or else yk how teachers are soo I could write only this much but I promise the next chapter will be longer !!

A special mention and thanks to @Suruchieee as she is my first follower and a fellow newbie writer. Do check out her story as well.

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I'll post the next chapter day after tomorrow if the target is completed or else on Sunday !

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