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"You have beautiful eyes." The brunette hums as she watches the ice glaciers of Alessia's eyes hold her gaze. They've always looked like the ocean, holding answers that Aurora wasn't even sure she needed. She counts every freckle on her face, connecting them together making pictures with her eyes. She squints and rubs her eyes once.
"You okay?" The blonde whispers, she's never been admired like this and honestly she's embarrassed. Everything is new for her and yet she's not ashamed or afraid to not fully understand. She's learning as she goes. Learning to love. The brunette bluntly answers from her perched postion on top of Less. It gives her the perfect vantage point for admiring, and she's not hiding it anymore.
"How did I get so lucky?" The low rumble of her voice seeps through the blondes chest and ingrained itself into one of her key memories. The beginning of their journey, some might say the closing chapters. The blondes features pull together in confusion. Luck? This was always inevitable.
"I don't think luck was apart of this Ror and I think you know that." The soft voice of Alessia clicks everything into place for Rory. The soft daze from their moment together seeps into her bones, into her every existence.
"You're right." She mutters, admitting just how obvious this relationship was. She thinks about everything, about Leah and her eyes downturn. Less picks up on this and is quick to question it with a careful and loving glance.
"What's wrong love?" She notices the shift in mood. Aurora nervously flops on her back and it's Alessias turn to peer over the top of her. Bringing the duvet with her she wraps it around her body covering her chest. Rory positions one arm under her head resting it in a thoughtful position. Her eyes linger on the ceiling but she can feel the piercing gaze of the blue eyes also dance across her face.
Aurora's eyes sadden before the dark colour of her eyes lighten. It's not unusual for her to think about the girl she lost, being totally honest she thinks about her everyday. But it hurts still like a knife being pressed through her heart. She tries to ignore it and it feels better when she's around Less.
"Just thinking about Leah." She picks at the edge of the duvet that covers Lessi's body. She huffs out a breath of air at the grief troubling her. Less bites her lip, she thought she was ready, she thought that this was going to be forever.
"I know I loved Leah. It wasn't fake." Less nods reaching for her hand and they interlock them. She rubs the pad of her thumb over her knuckles trying to calm her down.
"I know, what you had was real Ror." She smiles softly her eyes softening to a reminiscent look. Her tone leaks nostalgia and she can't help but let slip a few stray tears.
"Then why does it feel like I was lying to her everyday? Why does it feel like I was never enough." Her breathing picks up and a ragged breath catches in her lungs. She's felt this forever, this pain that she has hidden beneath a smile. Leah was her everything for years and when she lost her she felt torn. She loved Less since she was a kid and it feels like she's cheated on Leah, like she faked the relationship and was lying to her.
"You weren't lying to her. You loved her Ror. She knew that, you knew that. As for not being enough I can answer that easily by saying you're wrong. You are enough, you're enough for me. I don't want anyone else but you." The blondes passion oozes from her declaration and for the first time they make eyecontact again.
"How can I ever love someone else when no one else is you?" Alessia's breathe hitches in her throat. It was obvious that they loved eachother but saying something as strong as that was enough to restart her heart completely. Her chest thuds against her ribcage and the sudden urge to kiss her floods her chest. So she does, leaning down she plants a lingering kiss on her mouth. Aurora softly runs her hand against her jaw. The palm of her hand finally rests on her cheek and the emotions explode into their kiss. It tells them everything, the way they kiss shows how they know eachother better than themselves. They kiss like it's their first and last time completing the act. They kiss because they love eachother. But their happiness doesn't last forever, it won't last forever.
They pull away as Alice startles, the persistent neighing dragging them from the kiss, they pull away annoyed but both laugh at the situation. Aurora drags herself out of the bed and grabs her shirt. The necklace dangling from her neck catches Lessi's eyes and she follows it. Pulling the shirt on she smirks at Lessi's lust filled gaze.
"You should probably get changed, we should start heading back now." Alessia snaps out of her daze and nods hastily. She starts changing as Rory makes her way to Alice who was tied up outside. Placing a hand on her head she suddenly kicks up.
"Woah, woah, come on girl. It's safe." She stomps her hooves and continues to buck our of control. Rory tries settling her but nothing is working. She furrows an eyebrow confused, normally Alice is calm and not usually easily rattled. She is making a lot of noise and just as her hooves smack the ground one last time Aurora gets a feeling. The sort of feeling that somethings wrong, that somethings heading their way. She hears something, a familiar noise that unsettles her. Grabbing her binoculars she looks into the distance. Her jaw clenches as her eyes lock on them, on the danger. Clipping them back onto the saddle she stumbles back into the cabin. Alessia's fully dressed but the look on Rory's face causes worry to replace the soft look on her face.
"We need to get back to Hillside. They're in danger."

I'm broke i can't pay for all you're therapy.
Also I'm not sorry.

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