Chapter Three: Deathly Glamour Toasts to Death

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Deathly Glamour's POV

At an undisclosed location...

Derrick Ra'Keem Booker.

Eccentric yet gifted artist.

Self-proclaimed bohemian sensualist.

Well-known and highly-respected fashion designer to the stars in Hollywood and all over the world.

I knew that I could count on Gigalle to finally put him down. And I am so fricking overjoyed right now.

Right now, I'm in my private sanctuary and celebrating with a glass of wine on the day that the wannabe poser is being laid to rest and is getting his just desserts in the afterlife. What I didn't expect was for his sister Jana to be there with her clique of friends. Knowing him, I bet that he wrote to her about me and his fears that he was going to die by my orders.

Just as well.

He knew a LOT about me as I knew a lot about him- his weaknesses, his flaws, his dark desires. And though he claimed to be free from the ghosts of the past, some things will never die. I bet that Satan has his spot in the lake of fire all set up for his pathetic ass. I'd kill to see that myself. Anyway, I'm not caring about him anymore.

I have bigger and better fish to fry that includes Solaris and his empire. With his successor still unnamed, I would love to see everyone scramble around and have everything sold away.

No, wait.

Let me rephrase that.

I would love to take all of his empire, burn it down, claim the fire insurance policy, and take the money and live the life that Derrick was never meant to have. He should've stayed in Atlanta and marry Yvonne as he was supposed to, be loyal to the family cause as it's been made known to him for the longest.

Instead, the made the mistake that would soon seal his demise.

As for that younger sister of his, I know that Derrick knew that she would want answers on who I am and why I wanted him dead. But she should be focusing her attention to her pending wedding to Lancaster and being his perfect (yet unhappy) housewife. She's too pretty to be dealing with me or what I have planned. But no, she'll be wanting to lead this investigation and put together the final fashion show for Derrick's benefit as for those of his fans.

I feel sorry for her and her band of misfits. If she knows what's good for her, Jana Booker will obey Daddy's wishes and forget everything. Accept her fate as the blushing bride and being ignored by her groom while he sleeps around. Because of she doesn't, I will help her parents and sister out with putting her down like I did her brother. That way, the Booker Standard will be flawless without any deadweight.

Some things are never meant to be, Jana. Know your place or else be prepared to join Derrick in the afterlife.

As for your brother, I toast to his death and that of Solaris Couture. May he burn in hell!

I couldn't be happier.

There's going to be more of these monologues from Deathly Glamour in the chapters to come, folks. And there's some clues of who the stalker's identity might be. Any ideas who it is? Drop a comment below and let me know!

But coming up, Jana's back in Atlanta and ready to put her family on blast from disowning her family to breaking things off with Asher after she catches him with Melina. Child, the tea and shade right here is too good to miss!

Dedication: Ogunyele.


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