not a joke||4

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Heon kept himself facing forward barely moving, he wasn't sure what to do, he didn't really understand what was happening so what was he meant to do. His fingertips gribbed the edge of the chair as if that might help contain his feelings better.

The footsteps grew closer and the voice, the person still had not spoke, until it sounded like they where a few steps behind him.

The footsteps paused and Heon's ears strained trying to hear any noise, any thing at all.

He could have spoke, there was nothing restraining his voice but he didn't want to speak, he at least wanted whoever was near him to speak first. Maybe just maybe Heon could work out who it was. After all this could just be his father. His father had never whent to this extreme before but then again.... Maybe he was preparing him.

The voice cleared it's throat making Heon freeze more as he stared forward towards the now light wall. It was covered in a grey paint but the wall was covered in cracks  and darker sploges, probably from the lack of care and heat in the room.

"Are you afraid?" The voice said, he didn't sound mocking or like he was trying to intimidate Heon.

Heon swallowed hard but he didn't want to reply to the voice. He didn't know who this was not at all. He sounded... Around his age. His voice was deep but not too deep.

The voice paused for a while.

"I'm going to untie you, okay?" He said calmly.

"Just don't do anything... Stupid" he said leaving a short pause between, anythijg and stupid.

Heon didn't move his head even after hearing the footsteps move and the voice come in to view.

Heon's eyes moved onto the man... No boy..

The boy from earlier.

The boy who he had bumped into.

He didn't seem mean, not at the shop nor here.

Did he want revenge for Heon bumping into him?

The boy looked at him back in the eyes, as the two looked at each other for a second.

The boys eyes sort of reminded Heon of himself. They looked sort of empty. Sort of guarded. Heon could see that because his eyes looked the same, the same sort of empty look. The boys eyes seemed to soften for a second and Heon wondered if his had did the same.

The boy quickly looked away and carefully unwrapped Heon's rope from off him. As he did that Heon studied the boy. He was defiantly the boy from earlier. He was his age and Heon could remember how the boy was slightly taller. He was wearing different clothes now though, a white t-shirt, black jeans and a black jacket.

The boy untied one more rope and stood back when all the ropes where tied off, dropping the ropes to the ground by his feet. Kicking them away from him.

He seemed alright.

"Don't trust them" his mind murmed to himself.

He didnt really know what to do now, try to escape?

The boy put his hands into his  jean pocket and looked down at Heon, maybe expecting a sort of reaction, some sort of question.

Heon moved his hand slightly of the chairs arm and onto his lap, watching the other boys eyes. The other boy watched him back but he didn't really react.

"Why?" Heon finally said his voice blunt.  Not that he didn't feel afraid, he had learnt well enough not to show that.

The other boy looked at him with that same empty guarded look.

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