escape plan||9

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Soon enough Min-soon had finishes sorting out Heon's hair. It looked nice and Heon smiled slightly at him.

"Thanks... Your good at hair" Heon said truthfully. His hair actually looked exactly like how his hair dresser that his father hired to do it so Min-soon must have some skill.

Min-soon smiled gently, a proud feeling warming him. He didn't think he was that good. No one told him he was good at hair before, maybe because he never did it on himself and his friends never really mentioned it.

"I don't think I'm that good, your hair is just simple to do" he said brushing off the compliment.

Heon continued to smile at that. How Min-soon spoke just made him want to smile. He didn't know whether it was because Min-soon actually made him feel comfortable like Si-eon did.

His stomach hurted then and he gulped slightly. He really missed Si-eon although he hoped he wasn't missing him, not to much anyway. And his father....

He missed him too.

Min-soon must have catched Heon's silence and must have noticed his upset look.

"Are you okay, Heonnie?" He said using the nickname.

Heon looked down slightly, he tried to think of what to say. It was hard as he knew Min-soon was in the... Gang.. But what he wanted meant to get out of here. What he really wanted didn't exist but maybe getting out of here would make him find it.

Min-soon watched Heon for a bit waiting for a reply. He could tell Heon was hurting, even though the younger boy tried hard to hide it most of the time, it seemed crystal clear to Min-soon.

'What would a friend do... ' he thought. Although he didn't need to think much about it. He knew what he wanted to do but didn't know.. If he should.

He chose to do it anyway. He wrapped his arms around He only bringing him into a hug.

Heon as soon as Min-soon hugged him didn't know what to do at first. It was like his body froze but this hug was different to the one with Sun-gi. Well of course it was. Min-soon was... Special.

His cheeks burnt gently and he worried about his heart beating to loudly against Min-soons chest but he gently put his arms around the boy too.

"I want to be free, min-soon.... " he whispered quietly.

"I want to go back home, I'm not free there either but I miss my father and my... My friend.. " he whispered this time his grip tightened slightly on Min-soon as if to stop himself crying again.

Min-soon hugged him gently his body feeling cold once Heon spoke. His words seemed to relatable. Being free. As he felt Heon's grip tighten he hugged him tightly back.

"I want you to be free to..." He whispered back.

"I'll try make us both free" he said.

Heon pulled away slightly then to look up at Min-soon. His heart felt heavy and he felt even more drawn to Min-soon.

"You want freedom too?" He asked his voice not being able to hide the surprise.

Min-soon chuckled slightly.

"Yeah.. Do you think I want to be here, doing all of this? " he asked, he never wanted to kidnap the prince, Heon.

Heon looked up at him, he should have known. That's why Min-soon seemed so different bit then why didn't he just leave?

He let go of the hug and took a step away.

"Then why don't you just leave? " he said  slightly confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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