Words and Actions of a Hero!

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Spectrum: Are you sure? - he asked with doubts.

All Might: Only for you to show to Young Midoriya a little demonstration about that power you used!

Deku: Heh... All Might... I don't think it's a good idea...!

Spectrum: I agree. You train with Sonic, not me! But... why you're demanding such thing?

Nine: Are you hiding something?

All Might: That's... something personal, don't take this by the wrong idea! I can cleary see that you're not villains since I don't see malice in your eyes.

Sonic: What do you think, Tails?

Tails: Spectrum somehow want to fight because he's shaking with excitement and has many abilities at his disposal, but he only got those by facing too many ordeals like Sonic! - said Tails.

All Might: *shaking a little* Does that means he possess multiple Quirks?

Nine: That could provide more data... in this universe!

Spectrum: Ugh! Fine, but only...

But Bakugo appeared in front of them, with his hero costume and gauntlets, after he watched and heard everything.

Bakugo: HEY! I didn't said that you were fighting that damn nerd first.

Deku: You shouldn't use the gauntlets without the permission...

Deku: You shouldn't use the gauntlets without the permission

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Spectrum: Hehehe... he's right! Izuku Midoriya... watch closely. We hedgehogs do more than showing off! And no... our type of powers and abilities are a little different than your... "Quirks"!

Bakugo: I will going to mop the floor with you, freak! - he said with arrogance and determination.

Spectrum: Prove it... tough guy! - taunted Spectrum at Bakugo with a move with two of his fingers saying "bring it on".

Nine: Uh... this will be intense!


Bakugo fired a sphere of light between his hands that explodes into a large scale flash at Spectrum.

Spectrum: You make me laugh! You think that a long-range explosion like that can blind me or cause damage? You should use at a short or point-blank range, you know the basics!

Bakugo: What the hell!? - Bakugo was irritated that he knows that Spectrum is also a great battle strategist!

Spectrum: IT'S OVER, BAKUGO! ALONG WITH YOUR INSULTS! - he yelled with rage.

All Might/Deku: Huh?

Spectrum run fast in direction of Bakugo but before he could use his AP Shot, Spectrum did a backflip to give a hard kick on Bakugo's chest making to lose his balance and fell into the floor!

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