Spiral: Conflicted Minds or Vestiges... and Souls

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Deku whole P.O.V.:

It was one year or more after we met the 4 newcomers from another universe, we agreed that they only appear to help each other to become stronger as he could possible be as real heroes. Especially me and Kacchan, because we have the common goal and dream of becoming the Number 1 Pro Hero. Spectrum is the one who scares me the most, since he demonstrated to Kacchan cold judgement about their edge and weakness without fear or emotion for a few seconds. He cleared his mind from all negativity as he possible could. His best friend Nine warned me about something that he hates and then make him lose control of his emotions by going berserk afterwards, inducing fear to everyone else: BETRAYAL!

Something that Tomura Shigaraki have as well, leading into a path of fear, death and destruction! All For One planned this from the very beginning using his hatred as a trigger to become his vessel to get a younger and stronger body:

Yoichi: We won't allow you to take this Quirk, brother! We all chose to remain inside this boy!

Nana: Hang on, Izuku! We'll keep you safe. So you're Kotaro's son.

Shigaraki: Nana Shimura!? The grandmother that I don't know. Do not worry. Just like them, you shall receive my hatred as well!

All For One: That's it, Tomura! Your hatred is opening a path to take One For All by force. HAHAHAHAHA!!! But it seems that you hate me as well. Your hatred isn't strong enough!

Shigaraki: I won't be your stinking pawn! - he said with resentment

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Shigaraki: I won't be your stinking pawn! - he said with resentment.

But Sonic and Spectrum intervened:

Sonic: You see, All For One... compared to Devourer Of All... you're nothing, since your age is just like milk... already gone past it's expiration date! - mocked Sonic.

 already gone past it's expiration date! - mocked Sonic

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All For One: *groans* Devourer Of All... what are you plotting?! - the egotistical mastermind wondered.

Spectrum: Devourer Of All is your Quirk Predecessor entity and I managed to break free thanks to my friends's efforts and by the Quirk Predecessor of One For All: Savior Of All... for obvious reasons. But I somehow sensed him coming back from the dead, because he has the Quirk called Life Ressurection... *pointed his finger at All For One* ... something that SOMETHING that has more than 150 year old can't handle it since you have Life Force. All of this battle is according to the Quirk Genesis Theory that I heard off!

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